"Motor City Muse" - Transformers Animated/Hetalia Drabbles

Apr 28, 2010 22:02

Just did a trio of silly drabbles I did, seeing if I could actually, really cross over Transformers Animated and Hetalia. Surprisingly, that wasn't too hard. o.o I haven't really come up with a design for the Michigan-tan in this, but I usually think of this one artist's State-tans; I'll link her gallery when I find it again.

First and second are fairly light-hearted, though the third kinda wanders into philosophical territory. Nothing too insane, though. (I hope.)

="Cure for What Ails You"=

For the longest time, Detroit had been a source of some pretty nasty infections.

Not that Michigan tried to pay it much mind, but when your source of bread and butter won't compete with the finest that Japan has to offer? Well, for a time in the early 21st century, he was seriously considering having his wrecked hands amputated entirely. Anything to avoid having colds like THAT again.

Oh, but that was well over 50 years ago. That was before some young upstart named Isaac Sumdac showed up and changed everything.

Oh sure, Japan easily managed to convert that technology to making the most realistic robot girlfriends the world had ever seen--and he was pretty sure his dad saw Japan going to a dinner with one, arm in arm--but as far as Michigan was concerned, the whole automaton movement was all his. And Michigan was more than happy to stand upon his empire of metal and circutry and look down upon the world, declaring, "hello world, I am the state of Michigan, of the United States of America. And I have changed the world."

Still... one of these days he wanted to pay the old professor a visit and see just how in the world he managed to do it. It's not like he got it all from some freaky alien robot head, right?

="Heroes Need Help, Too"=


Oh dear. Michigan knew that hyperbolic shriek anywhere. Accompany that with a loud slam of the door against the wall and he got...

"What is it now, dad."

Michigan turned around and saw America look at him with the most pathetic pout on his face.

"Alien robots, Michigan? You got alien robots and I didn't?"

He huffed in response, "Dad, I didn't even know they were there! And they're not just 'alien robots', they have a name."

"But why couldn't they have arrived in DC!" Michigan often wanted to kick himself at how much his 'father' acted like a child sometimes. "Or Los Angeles? Heck, New York gets this sort of stuff all the time, I'm sure he'd let me know immediately if he did!"

"New York or New York City?" Michigan clarified, "You forget NYC seceded into his own federal district over 30 years ago."

America blinked and stayed silent for a moment. "...Okay, so I /forgot/ that. But it's not like all those robots you build in Detroit don't take care of crime and stuff there already, right?"

"Dad, you know how much the 'supervillian' phenomenon's been bugging Detroit since we first started getting automatons! Every week we get some bum who gets his hands on technology, puts together a costume and starts robbing the banks! Just last week some guy stole one of our automatic drilling stations and calls himself 'The Mole Lord'!"

"And 'The Teabagger' held congress hostage at the Capitol last week, remember?" America's face was far more matter-of-fact than a situation like that should garner. "All I'm saying is that maybe it might not be a bad idea for your Automen--"

"Autobots, dad."

"..Auto*bots*, to not stay pigeonholed in your house! I mean, who knows who around here might need their help? A couple of Arizona's dams could burst, Colorado might get caught in a landslide...and--"

"I thought *you* were the big hero, dad."

America looked scandalized.

"Heroes need help too, you know!!"

="The Organic Oddity"=

There were days Michigan wished he never asked if there were any malignant robots like those Autobots.

Between the cackling burgundy one with the long chin, a gigantic purple one with a punch that practically caused stigmata in one hand for several hours, and the towering silver terror that made his hands swollen for days afterward, there were the occasional moments that he wondered why in the world a bunch of alien robots would decide to make his house into their war zone.

Heck, he was half tempted to *let* America have them, and see how he likes the idea of an alien civil war on his hands.

...Even still. There were many moments that reminded him just how close to his heart those Autobots had gotten.

He wandered the streets of Detroit anonymous, lost amid waves of people and automatons as they traveled up and down the sidewalks. He intended to go back to Grand Circus Park, looking to see if anyone there had the same ideas as he did.

There was a shine of something black up in the trees that caught Michigan's eye, and decided to take a bench near where he saw it. He wasn't sure but--

"You're back again."

Michigan just about leaped out of his skin. Though the voice sounded familiar enough already, all he had to do was look up and confirm his suspicions just by seeing black, gold and a bright cyan visor looking down at him--upside-down, at that. He laughed sharply and in relief.

"Don't do that."

"I often forget that you're not like the other organics on this planet." The black and gold figure--Michigan was sure this one was 'Prowl' or something, he wasn't sure--commented in his usual dry, matter-of-fact fashion.

"So we're different." Michigan commented, shrugging his shoulders. "Big deal."

"I'd hardly think organics with an expected lifespan of less than a hundred stellar-cycles living far past that isn't."

Out of all of them, that Prowl one was the one Autobot Michigan had seen the most of in the parks and wildlife reserves. Generally he saw the yellow and black one (Bumblebee, right? He was pretty sure that one wrecked his car once) speeding across the highways, or the gigantic green SWAT transport (now Bulkhead, that one he was SURE of wrecking his car) displaying some sort of alien artwork that drew in his brothers and sisters across the Midwest and beyond. But this one was a real oddity. He seemed to have this fascination; even this respect for those that weren't robots like he was.

And he was probably the first one of the Autobots to discover that Michigan and his siblings were more than just the "average organic".

"So let me ask you this," Michigan finally asked the black and gold ninja, "do they have people like us where you come from?"

Prowl's expression took back at the question. "I don't understand."

"You know..." Michigan waved his hands around in a circle motion before, "you have any robots or whatever named after the places you come from. Robots that don't age. That have always been in the front lines in centuries of war. The kind of robot that everyone seems to recognize when you just *look* at them."

Maybe Prowl wouldn't know how to answer that. But Michigan was patient enough. Besides, if this proved there was intelligent life out there, surely there would be others like him, like his father, like their family and friends out there in the universe, wouldn't there?
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