JUDGEMENT TIME. (*ticka ticka ticka*)

Oct 01, 2007 22:28

Well, October 1st at 7:30 has finally come and gone. What does Digi think of "Digimon Data Squad"?

...Judging by the first episode it gets a nice, shiny gold star of approval. b(>w<)

Everyone works so well, and Yoshino is only referred to as "Yoshi" by Lalamon; though I assume Masaru/Marcus and Tohma/Thomas will refer to her by that name as they get to know her as well. But it's no surprise she's called by her real name by everyone else. Would you even believe that the dub theme song is even tolerable, if not easy to listen to? O_O The music even evokes the Japanese soundtrack (complete with appropriate music-less moments! D8)

But what about Commander Sampson and how Jamieson Price pulled it off, hmm?

Well, all I can say is that Price had better start getting his'self to conventions soon, because my cell phone needs a little captain in it. >D (Or commander, I don't really care which) Seriously, I said down below that if he had animation and emotion to go with his acting, he'd be able to turn off that angry voice. WHICH HE DID, YES. XD I LOVE YOU, TAICHOU.

I've been saying it since the Japanese version was barely starting he'd be perfect, and only now when he finally has the role and everyone can hear it for themselves do they believe me. X3;;;;

As far as downsides go, Yushima's voice, at least so far, makes me cry emo tears. But that's the only voice I have trouble with. Heck, even Kamemon's fits to an extent. *lol* But he may grow on me. We'll see. (And "Awaken your DNA"?? Disney really pulled out the stops on that one. :|) And the credits, which they flaunt Ikuto and Kurata like no one's business. THE SPOILERS, THEY HURT. Think of the newbies!! ;____;

I want to see next episode so bad. Survive to Friday, honey~ O(^o^)

muses, digimon, fangirling

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