Nov 02, 2005 15:03
This goes quite a few ways, interestingly enough.
Good news: My mom took me to Bellevue (or at least the outskirts of it, anyways) to get the only Silver PVC fabric in town.
Good news: It was 7.99 a yard.
Better news: It was on sale for a Halloween costume fabric clearance sale for 2.59 a yard.
Good news: My mom decided to take me to La Vista to buy some plastic sheets for my 004 glove remake.
Okay news: They didn't have .030 thick plastic sheets, but they had .013, which is around the thickness of printer paper. That might actually be better for fingers since I have to do a lot of joint flexing.
Better news: I found a can of Dullcote for action figure customizing. Yay for me. :)
Good news: Finally got my SSI check for November cashed in and I got 186 bucks out of the deal.
Good news: We went to Wendy's for lunch.
Shit news: Found out my Learner's Permit exprired yesterday. Mom went ballistic.
Better news: Went to the bank and cashed in my 186 bucks to my account.
Thank God news: Went to the DMV and renewed my Permit for another year without a single hitch (okay, so my sister had to write a check for the first time, but the lady at the desk was really helpful).
Okay news: 8 bucks poorer, but no skin off my back.
No surprise news: Mom and I are friends again.
And that's all before 3 in the afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. =P Now to order my keychain and finish my costume. *grin*
general life