Sorry if this post is mostly will be all about rant, but i have to post so that i can feel better. Oh and yeah i'm a newbie here and i made livejournal account just so i can post this and because i'm a die hard Savers fan.
About 5 years ago when Savers was still fresh and on air, while it's undeniable that there's still some people that hated it
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True that, but what i don't get is even with 3 years gap Xros Wars still able to outnumber Savers? And isn't the Digimons from Savers more or less have same artstyle with older one as well? I know that ShineGreymon and MirageGaogamon isn't that favorable to the fans design-wise, but at least the perfect levels are comparable to previous series design-wise IMO. But my main problem with the fanart is how easily forgettable the side characters from Savers was.
What do you mean by "had a "protagonist""o.o?
Gee, there's another fans again who bashed Savers again this time. He whine about the quantitiy of Greymon variants in Re:Digitize and he blame it all on Savers. Don't he know BlackWarGreymon in 02 (probably still acceptable), AncientGreymon and KaiserGreymon in Frontier? And Xros Wars also has Greymon to begin with, without an added prefix and is totally different design-wise compared to Greymon-GeoGreymon's slight change, not only Greymon they did the same for MetalGreymon too....
Meh... maybe i should just avoid some random Digimon forum to maintain my sensitive-self sane, because even a gaming forum isn't safe...
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