Title: Broken Dreams
Series: Digimon Savers/Mutli Digimon series X-Over
Rating: PG13/T
Genre: Adventure/Drama, AU
WARNINGS: Realizing that I should probably put these here considering some parts of this fic later on... Various degrees of het, slash, femslash, threesome, death, war, angst, digimon partner's existing, warnings listed that only have maybe the vaguest of mentions somewhere in the fic to prevent spoilers, AU, Epic fic, and upset author who has little reviews.
Story Summary: Ten years after the fateful the battle against Yggdrasil, rising tensions have led to an all out war between three forces. DATS. Kurata's forces. The Virus Busters. And once again, things aren't going to be the same...
Chapter Summary: Yuka's finally home... and everything seems so mundane. And her classmates seem so... immature.
Chapter 18: Normal Crossposted to
digimon, and