Welcome to Digilife, here's your latest application. For the newbies, we're a Digimon Adventure/02 game based in the real world, which means we sometimes refer to real world topics. As such, we expect these topics to be treated with maturity and grace as they arise
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The baby of her family by a significant gap, Rieko was materially spoilt by her parents. She's so used to getting what she wants on a silver platter that when she doesn't, it's a big deal to her and she'll fight for whatever it is long on sheer principle, even, sometimes, after she loses interest in it. (Incidentally, this makes her a terrible girlfriend, both needy and high maintenance.) She can also be a pretty sore loser. She'll do anything to get what she wants: Bribery, threats, use her fame or looks, act sweetly to people she hates, you name it. Generally she defaults to the last two, but she's not above the other tactics.
This can make her very two-faced. Sure, she acts friendly and especially in recent years a little too sweetly to people's faces (all the better for them to give her what she wants later; alas, Rieko has little problem with using people), but as she's grown out of digimon taming, she's gotten to the point of regularly complaining about or mocking people behind their backs. Speaking of complaints, she has little sense of perspective and a tendency to overreact in private or to people she trusts, regularly complaining of her first world problems.
Rieko has the attention span of a goldfish. While she does get very invested in hobbies and people, it's usually only for six months tops, maybe a year. She likes variety within these hobbies, too: She evolves her partners when she gets bored and tries every fashion trend that comes her way. Rieko always has an eye out for something new, especially if that something is cute (boy does she love cute things).
So people who try to stick with her despite this are special. She might still complain about them behind their backs but she's more likely to help out with their problems. She's also much more likely to do something if her friends of the moment are doing it, especially in a crisis. Rieko is a follower, not a leader; she doesn't like making the hard decisions, and should she find herself in a situation where she has to, she would take the easy way rather than the right way every time.
This all sounds awful, and Rieko knows deep down that she's not so wonderful as to warrant her self-centeredness, but she is not without redeeming qualities: She treats her fans kindly (some of the few people she'll never complain about, unless they start getting stalkery) and personally replies to fanmail, knowing how much she looked up to popstars as a kid. She works hard at what she does, even when she's supposedly off duty (she exercises and eats properly to make sure she's fit for her career), and is by no means lazy. And despite her strained relationships with her siblings, she lavishes money on them and spoils her nieces and nephews, whom she genuinely adores.
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