Jan 03, 2009 15:44
Posted this on Facebook when I got it from my friend Monika and thought, for shits and giggles, I would post it here too. Just a chance for all of you lj-stalkers to get to know me a little bit better. HA!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
1. One day I'd like to have a Greater Swiss Mountain dog whom I will name Cheese.
2. I thought my undergrad design professors were crazy when they made us buy Apple PowerBooks for our "required" computers, now I wouldn't trade it for the world.
3. My favorite breakfast cereal is Rice Krispies followed by the much more sugary alternative Oreo-Os.
4. I find cleaning my apartment, especially doing the dishes, oddly calming.
5. I am not a crazy cat lady, but I do tend to have conversations with Mr. Boots Boots.
6. I can fall asleep almost any where at any time. Some good examples are on planes, in cars, on my keyboard and at a loud dance club (next to the speakers).
7. Along those same lines sleeping is probably my favorite hobby, with shopping following in a close second.
8. If I could meet one person, dead or alive, it would have to be Salvador Dali.
9. I love to laugh.
10. I am obsessed with keeping my teeth clean and white.
11. I'd like to play with a tiger cub one day, or pet a full grown one, under the watchful eye of a zoo keeper.
12. If I could travel to any where in the world it would be Paris, France.
13. In the year 2010 my birthday will be on 10/10/10 and I'll turn 30. How cool is that?
14. I don't think I could survive without my TiVo.
15. I realize it's probably a mental thing but the best chai latte I've ever had continues to be from Starbucks, and I've had more than my fair share of chai lattes.
16. I have a debilitating fear of needles.
17. It never fails, every time I watch "Whose Line is it Anyways" I laugh so hard I cry, even when I've seen the episode multiple times.
18. When all else fails, I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
19. I like to collect things. Purses, tennis shoes (really all shoes), socks, sweaters...
20. I seriously contemplated legally changing my name to James since most people call me that anyways.
21. I never seen The Sound of Music or Gone With the Wind all the way through.
22. Doesn't matter if they're sunny side up, scrambled or smothered in cheese, I need to be in the right mood in order to eat eggs.
23. I refuse to eat brussel sprouts b/c when I was younger my older siblings teased me that they were my cabbage patch kids.
24. My new favorite snack food is hummus, but it has to be my boyfriend's recipe.
25. I'm a firm believer that even a woman needs to have a firm hand shake. A weak hand shake is never impressive no matter who it comes from.