I got a sexy new camera.
Cool, eh? 2 Megapixels, and a nice lanyard. I love it. I glued rhinestones (my new obsession XD;;) part of the cover. I can't take a picture, but I assure you it looks cool.
Speakin of my studded Sidekick, here's some pics:
That's the left side. Pretty simple. 3 on the side, 1 on the Jump Button and 1 on the Menu Button.
Right side. It's even simpler than the other side, with 3 on the side, and 1 on the Back Button.
Ya can't really see much here, but everyone says I did a good job, 'specially with the even-ness. I love it. w00t.
I was in NH this weekend! I had a wicked good time. Much better there in the summer than in the winter. Friday, I drove up with Bibbit, and got there around 9:30. Went to Ryan's and hung out. I *think*... Wait, yeah, it was Friday. When I got there, I talked with Don, then went upstairs to see Colby and Patty. Colby's boyfriend called and yelled at her cuz-- it's not my story to tell. All I really feel like sayin is that I REALLY don't like him, and that she can do so much better. I love Colby and don't wanna see her get hurt anymore. She doesn't deserve it.
After my pseudo-intervention, we just chilled in Ryan's room. At 2am-ish, me and Anna went to Cumby's to get junk. Anna got a new belly button ring! XD;; I just got tons'a shit, and ass loads of chocolate.
Saturday was wicked fun. Woke up, went to the beach with Jess, Don, Bolt, Liz, Anna and Colby. We went swimming at the lake and played on the rock pile. Mucho fun. Colby left early cuz Chris showed up >_>;; Then we were all talkin and decided we should go on a camping trip cuz Jess has land somewhere. w00t. I just got a text from her and aparently it's scheduled for July 25th-27th. Yay. It'll be awesome. After that, I went to Don, Ryan and Anna's weekly DnD session cuz I'm not a newbie, contrary to popular belief *shakes fist* This week, however, we were playing Vampire; a d10 vampire-based game. It was WICKED cool. Now, I'm not a big vampire person, but I enjoyed it. I played an insane character. I didn't wanna over-do it, so I made him neurotic and channeled Howard Hughes. I decided he'd be afraid of knives, and Ryan's character, being a thief-like character, had the tendency to play with his knife. I got to flip out on his character, and everyone believed me. It was wicked funny. I felt proud, knowing I played a convincing role.
We got home from that at about 4am, and I went right to bed. Colby woke me up at 9am with Ramen, so that was a nice surprise. After waiting for her friend (who was a no-show >_>;;), she, Adam and I went to the beach at noon. We played in the water, so that was fun-ness. After the beach, we went to Wal-Mart. Being a clepto (not really; I'm just cheap), I got a pair of suspenders I've wanted for like ever. Then, we went to Dairy Queen and d'Angelo's. Colby had an orgasm over her steak and cheese with extra mayo XD;; Went home, then we all, plus Don and some other kid, went to the Weirs and DDR'ed (well, Don and I did at least). He pwns me already, and he's played for all of %5 I have. Yay for Don! Colby got hit on from these weird bikers, but other than that, nothing interesting. Went back to Ryan's and hung out. I was gunna have her pierce my cartilage, but decided against it. I called Travis, too! <3 I got sad, though, cuz I'm all excited about everyone moving and being closer to me, but one of the most important people isn't >_>;; I miss you, love! ♥
Chris called Colby and I think that's what ruined my night. He said something to her and she started crying, so I was fucking heated. Hate. My mood changed dramatically after that. I hadda go down stairs and not think about it for a bit. After, Eric drove her friend home and then I got all sad and emo. Anna and I ran to Cumby's again and talked, and I started crying on the way home. I was all caught up with anger, sadness and frustration. I was frustrated to think that the reason I was crying is most likely due to the Adderall >_>;; It makes me mood swing like a pregnant woman. Then Colby came home, and I was okay after listening to some music while she and Don finished her homework. Then she burned a CD and the three of us slept went to bed (together, mind you XD;;) Woke up, went back to bed and then got picked up from dad.
Drive home was alright. Fast and junk. Didn't sleep; just talked with Dad about shtuffs. Got home, then I went to the Coast Guard Base with mom. Got a grill and my new camera (<3).
Blech... Don't feel like typing anymore XD;; Nothing else is goin on. Just watchin TV and doin chores. May complete some homework later, too.
<3 Travis.
<3 Sony.
<3 the Donnas.