May 06, 2006 22:06
First attempt at any form of diary since i was 14/15 and thats a long time. For the first time i can remember all the parts of my life seem to be coming together as i want them too. Its always been one thing ood one bad till now when I had a lady i had no band or was fighting with friends, got a great band and my lovelife would vanish. Now Im in the best band ive ever been in, one i would love even if i didnt know the people in it. And cos of that band (and the amazing fans(mainly graeme lol) I've met quite probably the nicest most lovable girl Ive ever known. I've known her a week and It feels like forever, I've connected with her in a way i didnt realise was possible, i thought feelings like this you learned and nutured over time i didnt think u could atually just 'click' so to speak, how wrong I was. I dont even feel the paranoia i usually get with gfs theres no 'does she like me' theres just 'wow, she likes me' its all very odd new and incredibly cool. anyways thats all for now specially as the only person whose reading this is me lol.