Re: Finished The Path.

Jul 24, 2010 05:11

Upon completing this game I'm still trying to figure out what I just played, but all I know is I loved it. It was eerie and creepy and so innovative. And the characters were...just so fleshed out with no voices and only spare narration -- this whole game was magical. And I want to play through again, try and figure out the mysteries and secrets, interpret my own way of looking at it. Were they dead all along? Who is the Girl in White? What happened when each of their wolf scenes faded to black?

I'm in love with all of the girls, but I didn't expect to love Robin so much. Some of the others playing The Path made lj accounts for the girls and they only needed Robin so I decided to try her out. She's so precious and adorable and she makes me want to gather her up into my arms and never ever let go. She's such a little dear and I adore her and her fascination with wolves.

This is definitely worth a look, if you're into artsy games. It's not the game you'd imagine. The scorecard at the end is more of a mockery of an actual game score, and there's no way to get a Rank A. The collectibles don't actually unlock anything, only give you previews and glimpses into the girls' minds. And the game is a major mindscrew. Playing with the lights on is a good idea.

But I don't regret loving this at all. With every interpretation being correct, it's a game to spark all kinds of thought. I desperately want to have enough room for a The Path icon. XD

game: the path, obsession is a fickle thing

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