Mar 08, 2011 04:02
Okay, fuck this noise.
I am going to stop being a scared little kid and hiding posts that could fucking help me right after I make them. And I am going to stop running away from this like a little kid. I've got some kind of problem. Some something that's cropped up and won't leave me alone. Panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, whatever. They started back in January and have happened with increasing frequency since then. They make me feel like everyone hates me or some shit whenever I start to doubt myself.
Fuck that. I went to college and got a goddamn ego, I know people like me. They like being with me, they like talking with me, they like who I am, and so do I, god damn it, so I am not letting this fucking thing control my life. I am going to get through this fucking term and when I get home I'm telling my parents about this and doing something about it. But until then, it is not going to turn me into a sniveling, nervous wreck every night. I fucking REFUSE for it to, biology or WHATEVER this is be damned!
And I am not deleting or locking this thing. Whatever the hell's going on, I'm owning up to it and forcing it to stop controlling what I do.
So fuck this thing. It's not going to beat me up anymore.