(no subject)

Feb 07, 2011 16:34

Over the last few weeks, I've ordered two Homestuck shirts and I'm debating ordering a third. I chronicled my adventures on twitter. Let me show you some of them:

> Receive symbol of patron troll.

You happily receive your symbol! You wear it on your chest and show your green-blooded pride. http://tinyurl.com/4cmpsba

> Honor patron troll.

You don't see what harm it could do...

:33 < *ah purrches on her chair, sl33py but satisfied after a long night of impawsible tasks*
:33 < *ah decides to curl up in a purrfect ball and take a catnap so she can purrk up for the w33kend ahead*

And then, today...

> Be the coolkid.

You're not sure if you're ready for that. That's a lot of pressure for one girl.

> No. Be the coolkid.

okay man were doing this WERE MAKIN IT HAPPEN tinyurl.com/4ltkhmn

> Lay down a set of sick rhymes declaring your opinions on the matter.

so going down to the mail room day after day
hopin my gear will finally come my way
but ol mother nature got a diff’rent idea
ol mother nature got a diff’rent thing to say
waitin and hopin and lookin and scopin
day after day after day after day
when a lil logic bug came and bit me on the ass
in the middle of some kinda weird english class
cause of the big snowpocalypse
shouldnt of been such a shockalypse
when my gear didnt get there til weeks out but see
now in my dreams im the coolkid it is me


shit man that was all kinds of awesome
coolest rhymes ive ever laid down
now its time to save the cool for another day
cant waste it all

You did it. You were the most awesome coolgirl. http://tinyurl.com/47k565p

Naturally all that can be taken away from this is that I am insane and need to be put out of my misery.

comic: homestuck, obsession is a fickle thing, neeeeerrrrrrdddddd

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