(no subject)

Nov 17, 2010 18:12

I am really excited that school is almost done, though I will miss everyone here very deeply. I am very excited partly because I can finally spend more time roleplaying more openly, in a larger game. Bokurano_RP has spoiled me. It is small and easy to read everything. Dive, though slow at the moment, and Trans_9 intimidate me greatly. I really do hope I can fully immerse myself in both once more, and perhaps bring a little Bokurano_RP flavor to them.

That's not to say I want to change the RP, gosh no, but, well. I feel sad sometimes because I can't show people the genuinely amazing things I -- and more importantly my friends -- do at that game. I know there's reason why, and it sucks because Haters Gonna Hate should be our response, but I think I've finally realized just how fantastic every single person in this RP is, with characterization, with plotting, with how it seems not a single person doesn't have something new and game-twisting up their sleeves. It makes ever thread exciting, be they battle threads, casual character fun, two-person interaction, giant debate logs, random phone calls -- Everything.

I think Kura put it best in that this time it's gotten so awesome, and we've got newer players to thank for that, I think. The constant plot-twists inspire us and push us forward to try and keep up. I feel like I've grown so much as a roleplayer and a writer just trying to do so. I really hope more people than just those who play there are reading this. I really am sad that we have to keep everything closed up, because I want to do more than rave about how much I love these people; I want to show the world, say "look! look at what we did there! isn't that amazing?! isn't that fantastic?!"

But you know, we've been considering trying to compile everything as a fanfic for the summer. It'll be difficult, with certain character plots sometimes falling off and some threads fading and the sure mass of the game; how do you convert our snarky-talking-to-character RP into fanfictions and still keep the feel? Describing character faces will have to happen, while we usually just leave that to the icon sometimes, since some of us I and a few others are icon-whores. Just how much will we have to fill in? But I don't care. If some of the others are up to it, I am too. This game-- it's not a game anymore. If it ever ended, I honestly think I would be devastated, and I love that I've become so connected to it.

Every single player's fantastic (here we go) -- Amanda, Kura, Gottis, Nevi, Lukan, Elly, Mush, Tai, Mark, Dana, Bee, Liz, Christina, Ciara, Taylor, Arlene, Jessie, Carole, Chicky, Rez, Kad, Karen, Nicole, Megan ( <-- YOU TWO GET SO MUCH LOVE FOR JOINING IN AFTER WE STARTED AND BEING SO AMAZING), newly returned Aily (WHO IS GOING TO LOVE THE MINDSCREWING, I KNOW IT), and I guess me as well. :) Together, we form not a game but a story that I really hope will never, ever end.

Long rambles done. You know, I'm not lj-cutting this, it's not that long and RP is part of who I am -- and this one's getting me inspired to work hard at my others as well. So please take a look at my insanity, the people mentioned at least

life: fucking rocks!, roleplay: bokurano_rp, writing, friends: internet friends=*heart*, friends: best thing in my life, roleplay

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