
Apr 07, 2009 06:48

It was yet another awesome con that I did almost nothing at. I brought along the brownies I asked my sis to make and everyone loved them. On Friday I met up with Sam and hung out with her Reborn (and also Tamaki, lovelovelyric) . Lambo got milked and was propositioned to make a Minotaur. Also on Friday I met Tori, Mystel, Crystal, Amber and Tyson. If I got any of your names wrong, gomen ne? It was with these people that I spent almost all of my con time with and I can't think of a better group of people to spend it with. A lot of laughing, joking around, and being dorks in general.

On Saturday there were even more people to hang out with. My friends from Erie arrived and we played video games, went into the dealers room, watched amvs, and strolled around. My first purchase in the dealers room was The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya box set. It's been on the top of my to buy list for a long time. Anyone who knows me knows that I have an obsession with Haruhi. Of course I spent time with my other friends as well. Tori and gang cosplayed Ouran Host club which was really awesome. Makes me want to do someone from there but not sure who yet. Later that night I grabbed chinese for dinner along with Sam, Stelly and Elizabeth. By coincidence we met Sam's friends who happens to be sitting at the tables waiting for their takeout order. One of them was Jaimy cosplaying Haru but I mistaken her for I-Pin. The food was so bad but we were hungry so we ate it anyway and joked around. The dinner ended with us bursting into laughter when Sam read my fortune out loud for me since I can't without laughing mid way. "You're at that critical point. Make that last push [in bed]. We hung out at the Westin lobby until they had to go home. While there I met three more people. They were cosplaying Ciel, Sebastion, and Grell. Before parting ways Sam me the sweetest thing, "You'll always be Tsuna to me." I was speechless.  We shall not speak of the masquerade at all.

I spent most of Sunday taking pictures for L, Light, and Mikami. We were going to take a pictures of Light and Mikami killing Naru-tards but they were doing Naru-tard things. However, they jumped into our photo session. Urge to kill rising. While on the roof we got ourselves amused at watching three geese chasing one another in the muddy brown river down below. All good things must come to an end. But it isn't really and end because the end is a set up for a another beginning. Later in the afternoon I said goodbyes to the friends I made over the weekend. I miss them but isn't sad because we will meet again at the next beginning.
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