[OOC] Hiatus-related permission (August 2013).

Jul 28, 2013 14:50

Daniel Jackson - is spending a lot of time in the library, and when he's not there, he's out with Temeraire discussing scientific progress and speculating on ways to get out of here. People who might be assumed to spend time with him in these endeavours are Temeraire and Alphonse, with a side of TwiSpark (who logically would be less present as she is so often hogged by an adventurous kid... - Ref, please confirm?) Erica and Reese's typists are free to assume they occasionally patrol the forest with Daniel, if they so desire. Do let me know, though? <3

Edit, in the fellow typist's words <3 :
* Sparky is happy to tell him about anything really eye-catching: she sees him as a fellow scientist and is quite pleased to share her findings!
* And Viv is happy to chat with Jackson water-cooler style. I think she likes him as a friend, and his conversation is quite stimulating.

what:permission, type:ooc post

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