yay food :D

May 24, 2005 11:28

Chicken salad sandwitch + dill pickle + cherry coke = Happy, well-fed and more awake Jaime :D

I have been SO unproductive today at work. :-P Perhaps after this meal I'll actually convince my body to get something done LOL

I was happy cuz the meeting I usually have to take minutes in (minutes are meeting notes for those not well-versed in Administrative Assistant talk) got CANCELLED! I swear I'd just about rather take a beating than go in that damn meeting once a week :-P IT'S SO BORING! Besides the fact that I don't know half of the shit they're talking about anyway cuz it's all really technical pilot talk, I have to sit there and pay attention to what they're saying well enough to take notes. Sometimes it's really hard cuz it really feels like I need pilot training to understand some of the terms they use. And besides the fact I have to pay attention (the meeting is 2 and a half hours by the way) I have to actually sit up and LOOK like I'm actually interested. Sometimes I just want to stand up in the middle of the meeting ...exclaim "I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING YA'LL ARE TALKING ABOUT SO SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS TO TAKE THE DAMN NOTES AND I'LL TYPE THEM UP FOR YOU!!" (then walk out in a flourish and give the room the finger).....

LOL it's good to dream anyway. hahahaha

...but I digress. Wow how did I go from talking about food and being happy to taking minutes and being pissed all in one livejournal entry 0_o

I think I DO need sleep.
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