(no subject)

Aug 13, 2006 00:27

Ok, after my rant about the half asian "community" a few entires ago I think it's worth mentioning how completely thrown I was today at work. There was some new girl, and she went up to Z and the conversation went something like this:

New Girl: Hey, what nationality are you?
Z: I'm half African, half English.
NG: Oh yeah, I could tell you were half-caste.

Oh, yes she did! She actually said half-caste! If she had said that to me, I would have had to restrain myself from slapping her. Apparently she knew Z was "half-caste" because she herself is "half-caste" - half Indonesian or something. Whoa. Since when was it cool to use a word that justified mass displacement of generations of people to describe someone's ethnic background? It's not exactly like nigger, or wog or queer or anything that has been reclaimed and resignified. wtf.

Otherwise, while I was sitting by the coffee machine eating the first decent meal I've had in days I realised I probably have one of the best jobs in the world... well, when you're working on a Friday or Saturday night at least.  I really love the people I work with... most of the time. Today Z suggested that since we've had a lingerie party we should now have a 'fuckaware' party. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of it - just imaginging the reaction of all the guys who were all for a lingerie party and how fucking funny it would be to see the approval rating swing the other way into 'that's just fucking wrong'. Argh, I wish I could have gone out with them tonight but I think I need to rest....

I really dig the idea of being paid to have other people listen to my stream of consciousness bullshit that I get at the end of the day when we're resetting the restaurant. But maybe that was just tonight because it was an all-girls night. All girl nights rock. Sorry romancy pantsy, if you're reading this. And if you are reading this, i saw those pictures of you on Rob's website and i'm thoroughly disgusted.
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