Aug 01, 2010 23:15
I cleaned today. Found two handwritten phone numbers of people I used to sleep with. Surprising. I can't believe people still write down numbers these days. Tearing them up and throwing them in the trash has less of an impact when they're still saved in my cellphone contacts. And when I'm friends with the exes on facebook. Out of sight out of mind is not something we really get the benefit of anymore.
I'm learning guitar. Sort of and slowly. Garage band came with free lessons, so I'm trying to follow along. Still getting the hang of just moving at a less-than-glacial pace between chords. I like it though, even more than I thought I would. It feels rich and warm. I played the flute for a year and that was a very cold instrument. All metal and buttons and spit. But guitar feels kind of alive, like an extension of me. I think my heart was always in strings. I wish I had picked it up years ago.
In a month, I get to tell my stupid job that I'm leaving the restaurant business for an eight-month paid acting gig. So. Excited.
Coming to NY next week. Let there be pizza, and bagels, and italian ice, and hanging out, and pizza.