Jun 27, 2010 19:30
Possible ideas to happen in the future:
• Get some Kirschwassers; possibly make a post along the lines where one gets ripped apart, along with Albedo making some sort of creepy ass speech. DONE AND DONE.
• Kidnap some lolis; NPCS or otherwise. Make heroes run around in circles trying to find them before they all die horribly.
• Shove hand into Jr.'s stomach; just for shits and giggles.
• Rip his head off, put it somewhere random.
• Creep on Jr.'s friends, all of them; especially the girls. They can get subjected to horrible things. "BLAH BLAH BLAH PATHETIC, BLAH BLAH BLAH I HOPE YOU DIE"
• Make friends with and/or work with other EVILS only to later screw them over, betraying them in some way or form.
• Write "RUBEDO RUBEDO RUBEDO" all over the walls in someone's room, in red... possibly blood. POSSIBLY KID'S ROOM.
• OCD LOSS; jesse: Albedo should go on a loss sometime where he's OCD
jesse: And small things. Like he has to turn on light switches a certain amount of times
jesse: Within a certain amount of seconds
jesse: And he has to keep doing it til he gets it right
jesse: And then big things like...if he rips off an arm he has to find a way to rip off the other one before the first arm regenerates. HOW DO YOU RIP OFF YOUR OTHER ARM WITHOUT THE FIRST ARM? ALBEDO CAN DO IT.
jesse: Best ideas at 3 in the morn.
• MENTAL BARRIERS LOSS;jesse: We need to do a loss one day where they lose their mental barriers. CONSTANTLY FLOODED WITH EACH OTHERS THOUGHTS. omg Jr. would go fucking insane.
(another great 3am idea)
• Be crazy.
• ???