you may have a bulletproof smile, but you are easily penetrated where it counts.

Aug 19, 2010 14:33

crimes and evidence

Pretty much a reference for both myself and the hero types of Paradisa (and anyone vaguely interested). Albedo by no means a nice person, he is insane and a sociopath, while he does not usually kill for shits and giggles, he is still very much capable of it and will resort to killing should someone get in his way; aside from that he will beat people up and/or torture them both physically and mentally, this post will expand on the things he does and provide links to in game posts, comments and hints about these things.

I encourage the heroes of Paradisa to catch onto his obvious grabs at attention, even going so far as to try and stop him. Defeating him may be a little impossible, however I still encourage it and will keep the god mode on my side down as much as I can, in an effort to make thins fun/interesting/enjoyable for all parties involved. UPDATE-- I working on an idea that will make it easier for ANYONE to take him down, instead of having to rely on one person (meaning you can punch him in the face, BREAK HIS JAW, knock him out etc etc and he won't be able to do a thing about it, HEH). Once I flesh out the details I'll update everyone.

As of right now his main goal is to stir a lot of trouble, so he has no desire to be killing off any hero types, he'll get more attention if he lets them live to simmer in delicious hate and anger.

august 2010
august 8, 4:00am
the attempted murder and aggravated assault of a local woman.
info: His first real crime committed in Paradisa, however this was rushed and not thought out properly due to his rage; the woman was beaten for two whole hours (4:00 am - 6:00 am) and finally at the very end her arms were broken before she was left to die. However she lived after being found by Jr. and taken to hospital, after his very short lived conversation with Albedo. The woman is now recovering by suffers from intense mental trauma and injuries (injuries include; internal bleeding, two comminuted fractures --both right and left arms--, fractured ribs, extensive bruising to 65% of the body, nasal fracture and multiple defensive wounds).
evidence: Though the scene of the crime was heavily trashed, a few pieces of evidence have been found; a couple of hairs (white; should a DNA analysis be preformed, the results will come out a little odd, however the only thing that will be clear is that the assailant is not human), a section of torn clothing (white, unknown material future clooothinnng) and a bloody hand print (no prints have been able to be lifted as it is both smudged and the assailant wore gloves, DNA analysis will conclude that the blood is the victim's). The name "Sakura" was also found scratched into the floor boards. NOTE-- all evidence was removed from the scene of the crime by Jr. everything aside from the name scratched into the floor boards and the hand print.

october 2010
october 9, 6:29pm
breaking and entering, theft, kidnapping.
info: BLAH BLAH BLAH STUFF GOES HERE. working on this okayokay. (injuries include; ).
evidence: BLAH BLAH BLAH STUFF GOES HERE. working on this okayokay.

november 2010
november 30, time unknown.
destruction of public property, kidnapping and assault.
info: In a secluded home in the town lies two people, one man and a woman, both assaulted heavily sitting in front of a large throne like structure, in front of the structure is a passage from the bible ("I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them, I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, I will not forsake them." -- Isaiah 42:16 ) the same as what is written in the journal craved into the floor, the meaning of which is honestly unknown at this time. And despite sporting numerous injuries, the pair are very much alive, but in need of medical care, chances are both will suffer some sort of trauma from their beatings. (injuries include; lacerations, extensive bruising and a few defensive wounds for both victims.).
evidence: Accounts of a man dressed in white kidnapping and assault from both victims (both stories are similar; it was late at night and they were both knocked out from a blow to the back of the neck. Next thing they know they are affronted by a man in white who promptly begins beating them while rambling about god only knows what.), a single knife stabbed in into the throne seemingly the one used to crave the bible passage into the floor and a broken cross. NOTE-- I encourage people to discover and mention these things, no really go crazy.

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