Jan 14, 2008 16:25
at work today, i spent a lot of time not working. i spent a good portion of the time staring at the computer screen. but i didn't see the computer screen in front of me. i was thinking. i spent much of the day just thinking. sometimes i stare, while inside my head i'm remembering the dream i had the night before. remembering how strange and amazing it felt. how i want to go back to it. how i want to understand it better.
just before i was staring at the scan of a book. it talked about how it was written by "experts in philosophy." initially, i inwardly laughed at this. but after the laugh, i spent a long time thinking about "the expert." to the point where i thought that maybe i should write a novel about "the expert." no, a short story. no wait, this would be bad for the world. i don't want to fragment it any further. we've already lost so much faith in everything, why make it even worse than it already is?
then i got a better idea for a short story, one not so harmful. it would be called Things and it would be about words and their power. i haven't yet given up on the idea, though i don't know why it would happen.
though if i had $5000 right now, rather than pay off all of my debt, i would probably buy a synthesizer, a guitar, and an 8-track. because there is no One Thing driving me forward, i think the only thing that could cause me to make any kind of leap would be a very significant sense of security.