YAY! Pancake-Day!

Feb 24, 2009 18:59

yay! pancake-day!

pausing only to disable both bleating smoke-alarms, I did eat pancakes!

whilst I was in the corner shop collecting a couple of fresh lemons for said pancakes I did witness a very sad commentary:
small semi-sentient child obviously just back from pre-school "Mummy, it's pancake day"
Mother" yes dear"
"mummy, can we have pancakes? they're easy I think"
Mother, the thought obviously not having occurred that pancakes might be wanted on pancake day looks around vaguely and says "I don't know dear, I don't think they do batter here!
Child gives long disappointed sigh and says "oh it's alright mummy I don't mind" as though this is just the latest of it's mothers disappointing performances.

I felt sad because she was standing next to the flour, eggs and milk, there was a box of lemons nearby and what corner shop doesn't have sugar and golden syrup?
I don't remember much of childhood but cooking pancakes was the main reason I learned to cook because flower, eggs and milk, is probably the most simple peace of baking there is and is quite the most delicious (when your 4 anyway)

surly its the parents job to make life exciting when your 4?.... no pancakes is almost worse than no Christmas dinner! (though I forget what religious thingie it's supposed to calibrate)

SO all my friends with off-spring, MAKE SURE THERE ARE PANCAKES!!!!! even if you do have to cook them on a camping stove on the floor so that you can teach your child which can't yet reach the cooker!
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