
Nov 24, 2006 00:47

I may have discovered why I always seem to miss appointment's with some people!
I of cause use the standard Hermetic Lunar Week Calendar, which, as you know, works thus:

Each week has normally 7 days, sometimes 8, occasionally 6 and rarely 9 (average 7.382647 days). time is 6 hours behind that of conventional time. Each week begins on the day after the dark moon (new moon), half moon (waxing), full moon or half moon (waning). Each month starts on the day after the dark moon (new moon) and each year starts on the day after the closest dark moon (new moon) to the vernal equinox. Each month has 29 or 30 days. Each year has 12 or 13 months. The names of the months are:

De Quincy
McKenna (leap month, occurs every 3 or 2 years in no cycle)
The names of the weeks of the months are Weekone, Weektwo, Weekthree and Weekfour. The names of the days of the week in four possible weeks are:

6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days
1 Dayone Dayone Dayone Dayone
2 Daytwo Daytwo Daytwo Daytwo
3 Daythree Daythree Daythree Daythree
4 Dayfour Dayfour Dayfour Dayfour
5 Dayfive Dayfive Dayfive Dayfive
6 Moonday Freeday Herday Nineday
7 - Moonday Freeday Herday
8 - - Moonday Freeday
9 - - - Moonday

this is not to be confused with the old fashioned Anglo-Saxon lunar months which my sister informs me is:

Æfterra Geola (after Yule)
Solmonað (mud month)
Hreðmonað (feirce month)
Eostermonað (Easter month)
Ðrimilcemonað (three-milkings-month)
Ærra Liða (before Liða)
Æfterra Liða (after Liða)
Weodmonað (weed month)
Haligmonað (holy month)
Winterfilleð (winter full-moon)
Blotmonað (blood month)
Ærra Geola (before Yule)

the leap month, occurs every 3 or 2 years in no cycle, comes between June and July and is called simply Liða (Mid-summer, trans. ‘mild’)

you see, there is no similarity at all!... now I'm trying to remember how to use my slide rule.
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