Physical Punishment: Child gender

Feb 12, 2008 09:25

Are parents more likely to use physical punishment on boys or girls? Most studies use spanking as their basis for questioning. Grogan-Kaylor and Otis (2007) found, based on data from a 2000 survey, that child gender did not affect the likelihood of getting spanked. On the other hand, Day et al (1998) found that boys were more likely than girls to be spanked at all ages. Both studies used "how many times within the last week" as their main spanking variable. In both studies, religious beliefs were also found to be a predictor of a parent's decision to spank.

I got spanked once, and as far as I'm concerned, I deserved it. I grew up on a road that ostensibly slowed down to 30 miles an hour in front of my house, but the semi trucks that rattled through rarely dipped below 45. One of the games the kids liked to play was "run out in front of the semi to hear the brakes go". I got caught doing it. But, that was an exceptional circumstance, and my parents didn't spank in general. I think it was my father who did the actual spanking, but I was five, and I barely remember.

Related: physical punishment: parent gender 9/27/2007

violence, children, parenting, corporal punishment

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