So... I've been working at shutting up. Being sick has certainly aided in this, amongst many other things. However, something interesting happened tonight. I continue to retrace my words throughout the night trying to recount what I said and in what context and how others may have received it. Why? Because I offended someone
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Before I left for my run I sent her a text saying I was going for a run and would love to talk if she felt like it was an option. She called me just before I left and I found out what I'd said to upset her... and it was absolutely unintentional and more of a misinterpretation than anything else. I need to remember some areas in which she is sensitive that many others are not and this was a good reminder.
We also talked through my feelings and she was met with clarification to my recent actions and attitudes... and responded with her own clarity to let me know what was happening on her end. Yes, I'm stupid and misread things. Even worse, I didn't talk to her straight away. Why? Because I felt like trust had been broken and it's hard to be honest with someone when I don't trust them... but it's stupid because in doing that I did not give her a chance and that wasn't fair.
It was a conversation full of emotion on my end and strength on hers. I admire her SO much and am so grateful to have her as a friend and sister... wow. We ended by praying together...God can heal. God knows the answers...
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