(no subject)

Oct 06, 2004 23:14

a p p e a r a n c e
Hair Color:Black and Brown
Skin color:White
Eye color:Blue, greenish
Piercings:nose, 3 on ears

r i g h t__n o w
What color are the pants that you are wearing?black
What song are you listening to right now?no song... Family Guy
What taste is in your mouth?I dont know...
What's the weather like now?Coldish
How are you?don't ask
Get motion sickness?yes... on boats
Have a bad habit?sadly
Like to drive?sometimes

f a v o r i t e s
Conditioner:IDK... my parents got it in France... So it is a French name I cant say...
Book:Invisible Monsters and Speak
Non-alcoholic drink:Root-Beer
Things to do on the weekends:sleep. Read. Be with friends.

h a v e__ y o u
Broken the law:Yes.
Ran away from home:Yes.
Snuck out of the house:Yes.
Ever gone skinny dipping:Yes.
Ever tipped over a porta potty:Sadly.
Used your parents' credit card before:I asked... But I've been tempted many times :s
Fell asleep in shower/bath:Hahahaha. Yeah
Been in a school play:Yes. Sadly. Don't ask. Just believe me when I say... I have stage fright...

l o v e
Children: Some
Current crush: Yes I have one. And no, I wont tell you...
Been in love:Only in my dreams
Been hurt:Too many times to count
Your greatest regret:I don't want to go over it...
Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days:Nope.

r a n d o m
Do you have a job:Yes.
Your cd player has in it right now:Green Day-American Idiot.
What makes you happy:Friends and being in a crowd of people and being apart of the conversation...
What makes you happiest:Friends and good dreams
What's the next CD you're gonna get:Fuck. I forgot the Name...

w h e n / w h a t__ w a s__ t h e__ l a s t
Time you cried:Who knows... Because I don't... Oh yeah. June, when people were being bitches and saying untrue things. I wont mention names, but they do know who they are.
Time you got a real letter:A couple months, maybe weeks, ago
Time you got e-mail: 5 minutes ago
Thing you purchased: Little Ceasers Pepporoni Pizza slice and cheese bread(which I took the cheese off :s)
Movie you saw in the theater:Haha. I work there so... SHARK TALE!!!

y o u r__ t h o u g h t s__ o n
Abortion:It saves and it kills.
Teenage smoking: Don't care. It is your choice, just dont do it constantly around me. ewww.
Teenage drinking: Just dont get me in trouble and I'm fine.
Spice Girls:"Whatever" "Girl Peace"
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