you make my heart beat; [welcome]

Nov 22, 2009 23:47

Hello and welcome to diextoshiyalove!

The community was created to have a friendly, easy-to-approach medium for all fans of D/T (T/D) pair to share the love, discuss, fangirl, spread their fanworks and just spazz over the infamous guitarist/bassist combo ;D Please don't hesitate to post anything that has something to do with Die, Toshiya or Die&Toshiya, every bit is more than welcome. We encourage you to read the userinfo for further details :)

All posts to the community are locked by default (except for this one) so you need to be a member to view them. This is simply for the protection of the comm and for guaranteeing us a safe place to share our thoughts. Membership is open for everyone, so the entries are just one click away!

For any questions and concerns, please don't hesitate contacting any of the moderators.

If you join, please consider advertising us by using one of the promotional banners behind the lj-cut! We're a small, new community and need all the help possible to grow :) Thank you so much for even considering!

Banners are made by daidetre.">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">

Just copy/paste the codes from the little boxes ;)

Now, share the love! And most important of all, enjoy your stay! :D

Your maintainer, fonulyn

type: pictures, mod post

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