Jul 27, 2009 09:59
Haven't done one of these in aaaaaaages. :)
Three names I go by:
Phil, Philip, Occasionally Bob
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
Data analyst, assistant store manager, fast food cook
Three Places I have lived:
Wellington (outback NSW), Petersham (Sydney), Balmain (Sydney)
Three Favorite drinks:
Coffee, lemon lime and bitters, tea. earl grey. hot
Three TV Shows that I watch:
Life (wait they canceled it). The Unusuals (wait they canceled it). Dead Like Me (I'm sensing a pattern here...).
Shows that are still running? Lets go with... Chuck, House, Flight of the Conchords. Plus the 3 that Andy said. lol
Three places I have been:
Tokyo, Edinburgh, Hanoi
Three people who text me regularly:
Cass, Steph, Andy
Three of my favorite foods:
Chocolate, cashews, pizza
Three Things I am looking forward to:
Spring. The weekend... my weekend isn't even over yet, and already I'm looking forward to the next one... lol. Tne day I actually finish my qualifications... (before I get bored and go back to study something completely different, no doubt)
Three friends I think will respond:
Meh. The three that want to.