Oct 12, 2004 14:27
We have entered the holiday season. And I'm not talking about Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I'm talking about the little holidays, the small, specific days that celebrate things we take for granted every day. Like Mules. Just think, when is the last time you sat back and appreciated a Mule? That infertile genetic miracle of a farm animal, it has a holiday. It is meant to be observed.
*12th: Moment of Frustration Day
*14th: Be Bald & Free Day
*26th: Mule Day
*2nd Look for Circles Day
*25th National Parfait Day
*4th: Wear Brown Shoes Day
*8th: Take It In The Ear Day
*14th: National Bouillabaise Day
*30th: Bicarbonate of Soda Day