So I actually am packing now. I know, hard to believe, but I offer up as proof of this amazing feet that I have finally remembered how strange my collection of Europe stuff is. I mentioned previously about the wrist wallet, which is probably the most exciting oddity I've acquired recently, but it's certainly not the only one.
I got some odds and ends for Christmas, and at the time I tossed everything into a big bag (which was also a Christmas present) and haven't looked at any of it since. Until tonight. Which brings me to my next point:
Why do I have so many flashlights?
I got three for Christmas. Odd, yes, but what's odder is that all three were from my parents. So they knew, one would assume, that they're already gotten me one when they got me another, and so on.
It's working out I guess, because the glowy "Emergency" flashlight (it glows constantly, so as to be found easily during an "emergency" apparently) doesn't work. It came with fried insides, likely the result of lots of children/adults pushing the switch constantly while it was still at the store unpurchased. I'm still deciding between the other two.
I also got two Swiss army knives (one with built-in flashlight, of course), from the same people, which would be repetitive on it's own even without knowing this fact: to date, these would be the third and fourth Swiss Army knives that my parents have given me at Christmastime. And I also received a Swiss Army "card" from my uncle two Christmases (Christmasii?) ago, in full view of said parents. If this trend continues I'll be tripping over these things in the hall.
To be fair, I've lost and continue to lose these tiny little knives, so I suppose they can continue to supply me with them yearly if they want to.
Less numerous, slightly, but still odd, I also got two water bottles. Apparently not only is Europe dark and fibrous, but it's also water-less. One water bottle is the normal sort, and came packed with other strange things which I'll get to in a minute, but the other was pretty neat and came with a built-in water purifier. It filters out all the giardia and cryptosporidium, and while I don't know what those are, I don't think I want to drink them.
Pretty cool, and actually a good idea, you're probably thinking, huh? Well, one more gift: a water-purifying straw.
For the non-filtered bottle maybe? Nope. For the faucet. Why would one person need to purify their water twice? I don't know either, but I'm bringing both, so I'll fill you in later.
I also find myself the owner of not one, not two, but eight adhesive body warmers. Two came with the Christmas gifts, the other six I was made to purchase by Dan (who also tried to get me to buy a Swiss Army knife, but only because I refused to be armed like Rambo as he prefers), and I am expecting a lesson in emergency medical application of said patches. So if Mandy and I suddenly find ourselves trapped in a frozen wilderness, we'll be set for approximately 4 days.
Also, I got an anti-diarrheal. This is actually needed (and I asked for medicine for Christmas) for European vacations, what with the foreign foods to be tried and all, but it's still pretty funny to get diarrhea medicine for Christmas.
The package was addressed "To Megan, From The Doctor."
Well, I suppose I best get back to packing. I'll update you if anything slightly interesting occurs. Even if it's not so interesting, really.