*flings arms wide* Hello, my little pot pies!
I really should be reorganizing my manga now, because it's a state of emergency up in HUUUR. But I've had posts backing up in mah head all week and they must come out now in hulk, super-post form.
Why The Holidays Hurt So Good
Okay, so I just ate a whole tube of these. I feel crazed. Here. Have a song. The one I'm listening to presently:
Brown-Eyed Girls (Because they are.)--Eojjeoda I highly recommend eating a tube of Tootsie Fruit Rolls and then listening to this song. You will feel happy, like a rainbow.
*wave wave wave* Hi, Megan! I saw you yesterday! That was really cool! :D
Right. I believe I left off with bowling in a previous post. I promised to speak about The Mummifying Chalk Sack of Superior Bowling!, so I will do so now.
First, I would just like to say that my left thumb has resumed its normal size and function. *nod* It's true, thank you.
Anyway, Matt--dear Matt--co-worker and he whom we call "Burger Boy" (tangent: on his second day at work, he excused himself during break to run out to his car and retrieve a hamburger he left on his backseat for a day in the warm sun. To eat it. To this day, whenever we mention it as the unsanitary and potentially dangerous event that it was, he's all like O.O "WUT? Wut's wrong with it? Wut?"), showed up with his "expert" bowling gear, which included said chalk sack. It was like a hackey sack, but...chalky.
It worked excellent well the first couple rounds, absorbing moisture that could lead to a legendary bowling ball braining, but then I began to notice that it was mummifying my hands. *GASP* "MAH HANDS ARE MUMMIES!" I calmly walked to the bathroom and washed off the turncoat chalk.
The alley still has a karaoke bar in a back room, adjoined by a large wooden door. All night someone would fling open the door and release into the general bowling populace abrupt clips of a song. One time, it was 50 Cent's "In Da Club," so it went like this:
*door opens*
*door shuts*
three seconds later
*door opens*
*door slams shut*
a second later
*door opens*
*door shuts*
Okay then, 50 Cent! No love for you. It sounds like he says "eggs" (drug metaphor? LOL) throughout the song, so we were all like "EGGS!"...."EGGS!"...."EGGS, UH-HUNH!"
Anyway, we played until midnight, which is when Leopard Lanes closes. Waaah, I was just getting my groove on in the last game! It was only then that I truly assessed my technique. I remembered that aiming for dead center tends to end with FAIL. I began to aim for the sides, slightly, so that it would curve into the middle. Three strikes in one game! One, two spares?
I also changed the way I threw the ball, haha. I swear, I was pitching it like a softball. (...Except for the airborn part.) You curve the ball into you, so that it's at chin-level. Then you take one step, swing the ball back, and with the last step release the ball. Soooo, I was bowling from faaar behind the white line. I cut out one of the steps, shortened the ball drawback, and started only a little before the line. Drastic improvement. :O
Plus, I was going to try switching to my right hand, LOL. I think I'm an ambidexterous bowler. I write and eat with my left. I throw and punch with my right. I bowl mostly with my left; I think I can with my right.
Matt With His Professional Bowling Gloves On Bowling Video
LOL. We mocked him quite a bit that night. (He was pretty good, admittedly. I mean, he gently cups the ball mid-swing before hurling it down the lane.)(Damn him.) And excuse my dorky incessant laughter. I TOLD you people: where there's smoking, there is...me, bobbing in the river of WTF.
Afterward, Heidi and I headed for Gordon's to see his cat, Barnaby Jones, and the episode of True Blood that I had missed. Having reclaimed our shoes, we noticed those red candy/toy coin machines and one of them had these sad, little puppy pouches compressed into the traditional plastic balls. Gordon bought Heidi one:
We played Michael Jackson's "Beat It" and "Thriller" crazy loud on the way over, LMAO. XD Gordon was in the backseat, I in the passenger seat, and we were both singing along in falsetto and doing seatbelt-restrained robot-zombie dances. Heidi, being the driver, couldn't express the same hyper delight, but she laughed a lot.
Monkey! (As promised.)
Gordon's (and roomie Chris's) doormat. :)
His apartment walls are white, and there's this large expanse that separates the kitchen from the living room. And on this wall is the thermostat, and on this thermostat is the Lego Chewbacca:
The True Blood episode wasn't airing anymore, but Lethal Weapon was on. The scene where Murtaugh tests Riggs' craziness always makes me ROFL.
Murtaugh: *gun* DO EET!
Riggs: *gun* I WILL DO EET!
I confess that it wasn't the smartest thing to go straight from smoke-filled building to Cat! (as promised). Straight-up, I'm allergic to cats, but my reaction has ranged from the mild to the HOMYGOD. Heidi needed to meet Barnaby Jones though. He's a beautiful cat of much dandruff--and also the most spastic I've ever seen. The last time I saw him, he was a kitten doing whipbacked flips all over the apartment.
He wants attention, but will love-maul you instead of purring. I
love this video:
(might need to turn up the volume)
The rest are Youtube because they're too big for Photobucket. *sigh* I'll put the links up so you can watch them in high-quality if you want.
Barnaby and His Halloween Pumpkin
link? Click to view
link? Click to view
Rubdown and Little Paw
link? Click to view
About after twenty minutes, I followed Heidi out onto the deck for some lung relief. I was leaning against the railing that overlooked a side parking lot when A TINY DEER (as promised!) tiptoed from around the building. I gasped.
"Heidi! Deer!" I whispered frantically.
And then ANOTHER TINY DEER followed. I gasped again.
"Heidi! Two deer!"
AND THEN ANOOOOTHEEER! A little deer train, right before my eyes!
By then, Gordon had joined us and I was torn--should I run inside to get my camera? Would they vanish, like tiny deer leaves on the night wind? I tiptoed-sprinted inside for it. XD
The videos aren't the greatest, but I was lucky for what little lighting there was at first. The first two are short clips.
Contrary to our delight, we were making noises at the deer. *laughs* Gordon did say they were very acclimated to humans, however. You can't really make out Heidi and Gordon in this video (they were making "tsk" sounds and whatnot), but my dumbass "arooooo" is...audible.
A couple minutes later, the deer were munching on grass and cracking apart pinecones by a tree in the dark below the balcony. This video pretty much turned out pitch black, despite our actually being able to make out the deer at the time. I kept it for our awesome commentary. LOL
You'll probably have to turn your volume all the way up because we were talking/giggling quietly. Headphones'll work best; it'll concentrate the sound better. I'll put a rough script in a cut beneath the video:
There were a couple of words I couldn't make out here and there. :/ I also typed out the frequent laughter; otherwise, the script pacing would be off.
Heidi: It's like E.T.!
Me: I know!
[referring to our gleeful reactions to the deer]
laugh laugh
Heidi: *sing-songy* (something something) dee-eer~.....That one's got a pinecone or something and he's like "I CANNOT BITE IT."
laugh laugh
Heidi: *makes "tsk" noises*...*whistles*...
Gordon: Deer noises!
Gordon: Deer noises!
Gordon: Now what noises do deer make?
Gordon: "Urhhmmm"?
Gordon: "Murr-urr-maa~aah"?
much laughter
Gordon: (something something), I assume they make some kind of noise.
Heidi: *makes more "tsk" noises*
Heidi: Here deerdeerdeer...
Gordon: (mumbling something)
Heidi: *makes clucking noises*
Me: Where's the third one?
Gordon: Uh--right there, it just looks like a shadow.
Me: Oh, okay.
Gordon: Actually, the shadow makes it kinda just look like a pig.
*Gordon rustles leaves with feet*
Gordon: (dramatic whisper at the deer) Oh shit, there's something out there!
Heidi: (dramatic whisper) It's a predator.
*rustle rustle*
Heidi: (still to deer) Yes, come closer.
Gordon: (something) eat you!
*rustle rustle*
*emphatic rustling*
Heidi: That one's the nervous one.
giggling (Only one was twitchy; the other two were nonchalant.)
Gordon: You know, you could probably actually sneak down to the bottom. I just wouldn't get closer than maybe twenty feet.
*rustle rustle*
*quiet laughter*
Here's some crappy deer photos. Didn't want to risk the flash, although we were kinda wanting to see whether they freaked:
We returned indoors not long after. Heidi and I were preparing to leave (because, frankly, I was dying) when Gordon brought over this bucket full of...
food-type objects.
He found it at Hyvee's, he said, but they were no longer stocking it. Why don't you guys try one, he said.
I picked one up and sniffed it. UGH! Smelled like rancid vanilla buttered popcorn death! I chucked it back in the bucket. Gordon laughed and Heidi straight-out refused to eat one.
I hesitated. Maybe it didn't taste as bad as it smelled? I asked him what it tasted like.
"It's hard to describe." :|
Right. I looked at the bucket. Well, I'll try something new!, I decided. Which led me to experience: The Most Horrible Thing I've Ever Tasted Ever! (As promised.)
Megan, dost thou remember my reaction to sampling your grotesque mushrooms at the Christmas party two years ago? This was worse than that. Gordon had advised me to slurp it into my mouth in one quick go. I arched a brow at this, by now receiving the "soooo a trick" signal loud and clear. But I did it anyway! Ha HA!
And OMG.
It oozed into my mouth, a wobbly gelatinous mass, instantly coating the whole of my mouth with this indescribably nasty and unnatural film. And then I bit it in half. Yes. Rancid vanilla buttered popcorn chemical-y death.
I sat there for a moment, face still, contemplating how such a thing could come to exist and why it had to be in my mouth. Why do I do these things to myself?, I wondered.
And then time started again and I was up and heading for the nearest trash can.
"Kitchen!" Gordon said, laughing.
He followed and gave me a cold Coke Zero after I had spewed.
What's To Come
Tiny abandoned pumpkins!
Peace out, pot pies. (n.n)\/