*Crystalline* You Won't Get Away With This!

May 14, 2008 01:16

Dear Spring,

Okay. That's it, Spring. You are soooo on my bitch list now. You are as bad as WINTER.

You think you're so hot and fresh with your greenery and flirty breezes, but *whispers hoarsely* I know what you're really made of. You're like some hellish beast, a demon-sent, writhing with insecty-ness.

Wolf spiders in bathrooms, booty-legged spiders on ceilings and under dishwasher handles, weird yellow spider I just now encountered! Giant ants! Beetles! Goddammit!

Every night these past few days, without fail, I have fallen prey to all of the above. You've done this to yourself, Spring; you've only yourself to blame. You take your place of shame now, next to frickin winter on the dieu tag roll. You shall henceforth be known as Frickin Spring.

Damn you,


frickin' winter, frickin' spiders, frickin' spring

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