So the other day at work I was bored out of my mind and bookless, so I was digging through the dozens of emails in my work account. Most of the emails are people asking for shift trades, hotel updates, or the results of whatever contest was the latest. But about a week ago I got something else.
Now, to understand the email, you have to know a few things about Marriott.
This is a really slow time of year at work, and despite everyone having their hours cut, the scheduling people have been encouraging people to take leaves of absence and go home early most days. Going home is referred to as taking Downtime. The ones who handle the day to day downtime work in Central Pod, and they post what downtime is available on a huge marker board. Everyone sits in some sort of pod. ((Insert alien jokes here.)) Also, the 'pods' are lined up in rows, with Central Pod being closest to the door.
The email was titled
"A Downtime Poem."
'Twas the week before Christmas, when all through my house
All the creatures were stirring, even the mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
When suddenly I realized they would probably be bare.
The children were restless up in their rooms,
While visions of unpurchased gifts in my head did loom.
With Dad at the office, and I stuck at work,
The kids on their own, to snoop and to lurk,
When in the front row, their arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my pod to see what was the matter.
Away to the front, I flew like a flash
Rounded the corner and saw the mad dash
The downtime was posted on the board of snow white,
Giving time off to those who still had their plight.
When, what to my wandering eyes should appear,
But a Central Pod person with a pen by her ear,
In the blink of an eye, I ran out the door,
I knew in that moment I should head to the store,
More rapid than eagles my list I did make,
My kids would be happy with their holiday take.
"Now Jamie, now Meghan! Now Katie and Aggie!
On Deb! On Dawn! On Jack and Rick!
To the top of the board! At the top of the wall!"
Lindsay, Stacy, and Kathy gave downtime to all.
Is that not great proof of just how slow it was? And why eagles?
I was going to make an lj version, but . . . I didn't. It was taking effort, and that's a no.