I got the following email today:
From: twilight@twilightlexiconforum.com
Sent: Sat 8/09/08 4:39 PM
Reply-to: twilight@twilightlexiconforum.com
To: twilight@twilightlexiconforum.com
The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of "SRSLY U GUIS. U GUIS SRSLY.". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address: twilight@twilightlexiconforum.com Include this full email (particularly the headers). Message sent to you follows:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ your website was hacked. :D"
"Update: Both the blog and the forums of the Twilight Lexicon were hacked. At the time we were dealing with a large variety of incoming troll accounts from people who based upon IP addresses had never posted on our message boards before. The posters were all unhappy because of the posting regulations on our forums. Our posting regulations were cross posted to other websites and for whatever reasons their members felt the need to come over and say "we don't like your site rules" and create accounts "to tell it like it is" when they had never shown any interest in our site before. Because our mods were so wrapped up in dealing with the incoming trolling nonsense, we didn't realize we were being hacked until it was too late."
http://www.twilightlexiconforum.com/ Check it out for yourself.