My sink is a porthole to the 7th level of hell, beconing me in with its heady aromas.

Aug 09, 2006 16:09

This is unfortunate for two reasons, one it pisses me off, and two all my friends reside just a little further, in the Malebolge.

I'm updating because I'm a follower and all the cool kids are doing it again, by that I mean Corey, Kyle, and Boomer. JB you don't count because you are a decease ridden slag, which is the highest complement I've ever paid anyone. Though in reality I'm doing it because I had log in to comment about pretty teeth, the funniest thing I've ever read, and I'm bored out of my skull.

Also I have no desire to be witty, which is good cause I don't care enough, and it hides my natural grace and beauty. I will however declare that watching a sink vomit at periodic times throughout the day, and being required to stay ever vigilant so that it wont once again give its contents to the floor of my apartment are the most significant acts of my life, as if Jesus was touching my heart as softly as he plucked the sickness from the lepers.

I give you the last 24 hours in pictures, take from them what you will.

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