Dec 07, 2003 09:47
last friday night was the bomb.
first band was from huntsville. i don't remember their name, nor do i care to.
3 inches of blood was next. they were the most metal thing i'd ever seen. ever.
himsa was next. i kicked a kid for grabbing ana's boob and the singer stopped the song to ask me why i did it. i might understand that if i had actually gotten in a fight with the kid, but this was ridiculous. he's concerned with the safety of people in the crowd, and he has the nerve to call his band "metal". he eventually apologised for making a big deal out of it and said it was his mistake. he was right. sorry, himsa, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
the black dahlia murder played next. they were good, but they didn't impress me as much as the first time i saw them. and they STILL didn't play paint it black. whatever.
it was really good to see ally, ana, billy, jennigger, and vince. we were all laughing really hard last night.
(i can't stop thinking about her)
in other news, there is no other news. goodnight.