Comin' back, RDJ style

May 31, 2014 03:18

Hey, remember how you guys propped me up when I wasn't sure if I would make it or not 3 years ago? And how I said that, since I couldn't say thank you enough, I was gonna work my ass of and make you all proud?

And how I kept going on and on and on about wanting to go to OU?

Well, I finally sent my app in on April 1st, and I got a reply this week.

I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!

Of course, the post office had to spoil me by leaving this facing outwards....

But, just to show that it's official.....

Since I need to get surgery done on my wrist before I go, the next three months will be really interesting!

Also, comic cons? They're fucking GREAT. Especially if you cosplay. Also, if you can't figure it out, I'm kinda into Star Trek lately.

Which I totally did.

From left to right, that's Karen, a guy in a kilt and a chick whose names I can't remember right now, and Sam. Sam and I both had major Karl Urban situations happening all day. So, after I got in, had to go get his autograph. Shenanigans were had in the line, including photobombing by this guy.

Sadly, these were the only two science blue ladies I could find :( Having had to hunt for cosplay materials myself, I totally understand why, so there was much flailing and cosplay tip trading in the line for Karl Urban's autograph.

This was only the start, though. After having my brain literally short out (also, UK people? I think he's gonna be at that con in October) during autograph time, I hunted Karen down and we were aggressively cuddled by an incredibly good smelling John Barrowman. My shoulder smelled like him for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, I apparently missed Karl's panel, which was happening at that same moment. The worst part? One of my twitter buddies was front row, center. That, and not a lot of pictures came out of the panel, and I always carry a camera now, so... I could have gotten some amazing shots.

Speaking of amazing shots.


So. I round the corner, and Karl sees me and goes, "Look at you, you look absolutely fantastic!"

Um. Ok. So, here's the thing. My cosplay? It's eventually going to be a femme!Bones cosplay. I just can't find a ring that'll fit my skinny fingers, or I WOULD be cosplaying Lea McCoy. So him saying that? *ded* I'm kind of already floating, so he reaches out and wraps his arm around me and I did the same (holy shit he's thinner than you'd think) and I just start beaming at the camera, and then thank him for making my first con so much fun. He asks if it's really my first con, and I nod and tell him that the first thing I came was come and get his autograph. His eyebrows go up, and then...


Not over it, will never be over it. I'm ok with that.

oh, and speaking of pictures, i got my new camera. it's pink.

it's also weatherproof.

but yeah, life is pretty damn good, save for having carpal tunnel that's now so severe that I can't spend more than 15 min on the computer or write for the same amount of time before my wrist starts hurting. just waiting for medicaid to go through so I can get surgery, and off i go again!

blah blah blah, irl, i'm baaaaack

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