First of all, I cannot thank you all enough for the massive outpouring of support with Snowball's passing. That dog meant the world to me, and she helped me get through some of the dark times, so it was awesome to have people helping keep my spirits from getting too low. I was pretty depressed all weekend, and having so many people being so wonderful helped a lot. Between LJ, Tumblr, FB, and friends via text, I probably had 150 people passing on condolences.
Turns out Snowie wasn't the only one that ate poo and died last week, it happened to a neighbor's dog too. :(
One really cool thing I didn't mention very much (go figure, wandering around like a depressed zombie does that) is that Thursday night, Dad came to pick me up (the Avengers is a great comfort movie, btw) and there was a rainbow in the sky. Totally bawled my eyes out at that one, and after Dad was all confused about me crying over a rainbow, I had to explain Rainbow Bridge and stuff.
Past couple of days have been really good, though! One of my friends pointed something out about when I work (he knows me from dancing), and I took it into account last night. Despite the fact that we literally had NO ONE in the bar for about an hour and a half last night, I still made more than the bartender XD
It made this morning a lil rough, though. I actually *gasp* went over to Mom's house! She has this normal yearly "Let Them Eat Cake" breakfast as a party to kick off the summer, and for the first time ever, I made it! This was the first time I've seen the girls and Mom since the day I killed Diane's engine, btw. That's 15 months for anyone keeping track ;)
Anyhoo. Dad took me, obviously, and so we did some old school bopping around afterwards. First, swung by a gunsmith's shop, and I may have been equally drooling over both the pink Ceracoating (sp?) and the bazooka sitting in the corner.
Oh, gotta interrupt myself here. Monday, I caught Dad checking out the Humane Society's website, and so I suggested we check it out. Since we were out and about today, we decided to stop in.
I knew I didn't really want another dog, but I knew I wouldn't be opposed to a kitty, and so I figured I'd take a look. I found an absolutely gorgeous, sweet as pie Persian aptly named Oreo, but it didn't just feel right, and I was kind of poking around the kittens (although there was a very pretty tortie named Molly that had been there for ages that I was checking out, too - by the time we left, though, someone had put Molly on hold to adopt her XD).
Then I realized, oh wait - there's more than one room of cats. So I wander to the other side, and I'm just kind of looking, and I have my hand up against the kennels, and I'm giving quick skritches to whoever wants them.
Well, guess who fell in love. Believe it or not, it wasn't me... There was this super cute lil tabby named Missy that started practically doing sommersaults in an effort to get more petting from me.
You know how they say the animal picks the person? Oh man. I've always believed in that, but if I had any doubts left before today, they were utterly destroyed. I walked away to look at the other cats, and she switched between trying to reach out to me, crying, and giving me the stink eye. I didn't really get the right vibe off of all the other cats, so after Dad sniffed around Missy and she was friendly towards him, I asked if we could play with her, and staff cleared it.
I swear to god, you guys, they put her down in the room, she sniffed around for three seconds, and then started basically rolling up against me. Dad, too. We tried getting her to play with one of those feather sticks, and she totally ignored it. I tried giving her a treat, and she was more interested in rubbing against my hand than the treat. When Dad and I both picked her up and flipped her on her back to hold her like a baby, she just kind of flopped and rested her head against us.
Yeah. That was NOT a hard decision to make. I grabbed a staff member to get the paperwork, and when she came back in the room and saw how the cat was basically glomping on both Dad and I, she was totally wibbling. I mean, Missy was really hamming it up, complete with loud purring and happy trills and meows.
Sadly, one of the people that works at the shelter just passed, so they were having a hard time with the computers, and asked if I could come back tomorrow to take her home. I can't, so they're making an exception to their 24 hour rule so I can pick her up Thursday... When one of the other chicks started to remind the girl that was helping us about the rule, she just looked at her and raised an eyebrow and told her that Missy was a perfect fit, and that she was going to the right home.
The good news is that not being able to bring her home tonight means that I can bring her home to a properly equipped house. I've got kibble, a cat box, and litter (along with a bunch of toys and treats) sitting on my floor now.
So.... Meet Missy!
Click to view
Sorry that it's sideways, but I honestly have no clue as to how to fix that, lol! I guess I'm taking a page from the Michael Weatherly School of Filmmaking?
I'm probably going to rename her, I think Missy's a cute name, but I don't think it suits her. So far, Donna and Lola are on the list, so other suggestions are very welcome ;)
Doubly excited because tomorrow is my last day of class :) As much as I love being in school, I'm totally ready for a break. It's basically a certainty that I'm going to be getting an A in human sexuality, though. I have to get over 70% on my last paper and over 70% on my final, and my lowest grade so far is a 84%. PLUS I didn't take into account the 50+ points of extra credit I got last week. So.... I'm just gonna take care of three written assignments, do a fairly quick review, and I think I'll be good to go. Can't wait for summer, it's time to work hard and make some money to set aside for when I have to move out of state for school :)
Anyways, I totally had to tell you guys about the kitty, so.... :) Y'all get an update!
*hugs everyone* Don't forget to leave name suggestions, please!