Day 43/90

Oct 30, 2006 13:46

Holy fuck I'm almost halfway there! (time-wise, weight wise I really suck :()

weight: 124

coffee w/ soy milk - 10 calories
apple: 80 calories
soup: 80 calories

I ate far too much over the weekend. Friday night I had leftover potato kale casserole, Saturday I didn't eat for *hours* and drove down to the southside, up to my place, back down to the southside, and back up to my place on just a clif bar. Between the hunger, the sleepiness, the driving for hours, and the general crappiness of Chicago drivers I ended up crying for the last 10 minutes home. My visibility wasn't affected and I wasn't upset, I was just so sick of everything.

When I got home I had the last of the casserole then baked these delicious-yet-bad-for-me cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. Ate a couple of those, some chips, and some halloween candy over the course of my party.

Yesterday I went out for brunch then went to work where there was even MORE candy lying around everywhere leftover from the doggie daycare halloween party. Gah! At least I chased a bunch of dogs which must have burned some calories, right?

I'm late for work. :/

food, work, 90 day challenge

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