Day 37/90

Oct 24, 2006 08:34

I'm actually kind of happy with not drinking now. I'm paying all our bills on time and we still have money left over, I don't really feel sad when other people drink. Hell, Adam even bought some cigarettes last Thursday since we were out in the suburbs and when I smell them on him I don't get jealous. I have two months to Christmas and about 10 pounds to lose. I will stop being lazy about tracking my calories and I will stop overeating. I took a shift at a doggie daycare on Saturday. I don't know for sure if I'm going to stay at that one or go somewhere else, but no matter what I should do this - it was good exercise and hanging around with 20+ dogs is always a good (albeit slobbery) time.

weight: 124.6

coffee w/ soy milk: 10 calories
peanut butter cookies: 200 calories
tomato soup: 80 calories
bread: 65 calories
apple: 80 calories
candy: 60 calories
baba ganoush: 100 calories
pita: 83 calories
carrot: 25 calories
smoothie: no clue
total: 703 calories + smoothie

food, 90 day challenge

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