Date: May 19, 2009
Out of bed
9.00 am
122.8 kg
Time: 9.30 am.
Céréales Spécial K Chocolat Noir - 50 gr - 199.5 Kcals
Lait de vache, partiellement écrémé, 2% m.g. - 100 gr - 50 Kcals
Beverage: 50 cl of water mixed with 20 cl of lemon juice
Time: 1.40 pm to 2.15, at home
Riz Basmati Lidl - 55 gr - 83.6 Kcals
Escalope de Porc - 110 gr - 319 Kcals with spice barbecue
Huile d'Olive Lidl - 20 gr - 16 Kcals
Moutarde de Dijon Lidl - 10 gr - 10 Kcals
Ratatouille Nicoise Lidl - 315 gr - 81.9 Kcals
Beverage: Water with lemon juice
Time: 5.15 pm , at home
Lait de vache, partiellement écrémé, 2% m.g. - 160 gr - 80 Kcals
Céréales Spécial K Chocolat Noir - 50 gr - 199.5 Kcals
Beverage: Water
Time: 8.40 pm to 9.10 pm at home
Escalope de Porc - 219 gr - 635.1 Kcals with spices tomatoes and paprika
Huile d'olive (une cuillere a soupe) - 4 gr - 36 Kcals
Moutarde - 10 gr - 9.7 KcalsBeverage: Water
10.00 pm
How was the day?
*** Perfect! Lots of walk and not too much food.
Sports, pills, others
- Walk on Treadmill/Marcher lentement (3 km / heure) - 15 mins - 92.1 Kcals - 10.30 am
- Sauna, Mary Belle Institut de Beaute - 30 mins - 400 Kcals - 11.00 am
- Walk on Treadmill/Marcher lentement (3 km / heure) - 15 mins - 92.1 Kcals - 3.00 pm
- Walk on Treadmill/Marcher lentement (3 km / heure) - 30 mins - 184.2 Kcals - 7.45 pm
- 50cl of water with lemon juice.
Food: + 1720.3 Kcals
Sport: - 768.4 Kcals