i need a bottle of advil

Jun 10, 2005 22:53

T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f . . .
- Name: Jennifer Martinez
- Birthplace: west co.
- B-day Month: Feb.
- Current Location: the dungeon
- Eye color: brown
- Hair color: black
- Height: 5'6
- Righty or Lefty: both
- Zodiac sign: aquarius
- Shoes you wore today: white t.u.ks
- Your weakness: cute boys.
- Your strengths: i cant think of any.
- Your fears: getting shot
- Your perfect pizza: cheese and pinapple
- Goal you'd like to achieve:....
- Your thoughts first waking up: i wish i hadnt woken up in the first place
- Your bedtime: i dont have one but i set my own up for 10;30 and if i stay up later then that i fall asleep in french
- Your most missed memory:8th grade
- Pepsi or coke: non of the above
- McDonald's or Burger King: non of the above
- Single or Group dates: ..single
- Best friends: moe and nads
- Adidas or Nike: nike?
- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: lipton
- Chocolate or Vanilla: chanilla
-Cappuccino or Coffee: both
- Smoke: no
- Cuss: Yeah
- Sing: yep
- Take a shower everyday: sometimes

- Do you think you've been in love: i wanna say ..yes
- Want to go to college: yes
- Where: dont know yet

- Like(d) high school: my freshman year yes. but this year blows
- Want to get married: i suppose
- Believe in yourself: no

-Get motion sickness: nope
- Think you're attractive: not really
- Think you're a health freak: Not at all
- Get along with your parent(s): not really. my parents hate me
- Like thunderstorms: yes
- Play an instrument: my guitar and my keyyyboard ...uhh and a recorder..haha
- Country/Place you would most like to visit: Japen/tokyo and france/paris

I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . .
- Drank alcohol: yes
- Smoked: no
- Done a drug: yes
- Made out: no
- Gone on a date: no
- Gone to the mall: yes
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
- Eaten sushi: No
- Been on stage: yes
- Gone skating: noooooo but i sat on my skateboard today
- Made homemade cookies: YES!!!
- Gone skinnydipping: i would have liked to... jk
- Dyed your hair: nope
- Stolen anything: yes

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
- If so, was it mixed company: no
- Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: mmm. no
- Been called a tease: no
- Gotten beaten up: yes
- Shoplifted: Yes
- Changed who you were to fit in: no
- Age you hope to be married: 100
- Described your dream wedding: drive thru wedding
- Thought about how you want to die: yes

S t u f f | o n | t h e | o p p o s i t e | s e x. . .
- Best eye colour: brown
- Best hair colour: black
- Short or long hair: dflkjweloiudfhhsdfdf
- Height: taller then me.
- Best weight: dont care as long as there like not over 200. or maybe over 180
- Best articles of clothing: tight pants. hmm.. i dont care
- Best first date location: anywhere ...thier room
- Best first kiss location: outside in the rain

I n | y o u r | l i f e . . .
. of drugs taken illegally: . . . .
. of people I could trust with my life: alot
. of CDs that I own: 1983259877894478
. of piercings: 8
. of tattoos: yeah i have a locust tattoo on my arm...yeah right
. of scars on my body: hmm.. 11or more.. im careless

S p e c i f i c s . . .
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: alterna
- What are you most scared of?: bugs
- What are you listening to right now?: the blood brothers
- Who is the last person that called you?: moe
- How many buddies are online right now?: 5
- How many are away?: 1
- What would you change about yourself?: nothing

F a v o r i t e . . .
- Colour: yellow
- Food: pizza and been and cheese burritos
- Boy's name(s): conor
- Girl's name(s): anna
- Subject(s) in school: english
- Animal(s): cats
- Sport(s): who can finsish there cupcake first

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Given anyone a bath?:yeah my little cousin
- Got high?: no
- Bungee jumped?: no
- Made yourself throw up?: yes
- Skinny dipped?: No
- Been in love?: ummm :-/
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: kejehyu
- Pictured your crush naked?: no
- Actually seen your crush naked?: no
- Cried when someone died?: yeah
- Lied?: yes only to my parenst and teachers
- Fallen for your best friend?: No
- Been rejected?: yeah
- Rejected someone?: yes
- Used someone?: no
- Done something you regret?: yes

R i g h t | n o w . . .
- Clothes you're wearing: black shorts. a black shirt and my locust jacket
- Music you're listening to: the blood brothers did nt i just answer this dumb question already
- Time where you are: late
- Annoyance thats... eh, annoying you: ignorant people,people with big egos,noisy little kids,dogs that keeep barking,ugly people that are mean to everybody,mean people,this one girl that i really dont know but always pokes my arm and asks me what im doing when im trying to sleep during class.
- Smell you're... eh, smelling: stuff my mom washes my clothes with
- Favourite artist: andy warhol
- Favourite Group: the locust
- Current Desktop picture:Bjork
- Book you're reading: well i finished this book called FEED
- CD in the player: fuck the blood brothers ...shit
- DVD in the player: none

L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .
- Touched: uhm
- Hugged: my mom
- IM'd: victor
- Yelled at: mom
- Felt bad for: this fat ignorant girl i got in a fight with ...im not naming names.
- Missed terribly: d.c,april,lolo,my grandma,and ashley,and pat-c and drea
- Felt loved by: my cat
- Kissed: i kissed nadine today
- Spoke to: uhh
- Cried to: myself for hateing this house

P e o p l e | A s s o c i a t i o n . . .
(Name the people that you associate with the following words)
- Open Minded: manaia
- Arrogant: aurora
- Insecure: jennifer j
- Interesting: miguel
- Random: al
- Attractive: chris m.
- Smart: luis..sometimes
- Moody: deidra
- Ambitious: you
- Healthy: nina
- Shy: me
- Difficult: lauren
- Buffed: que?
- Bored: my foot
asily: what?
- Drunk: KRYSTAL!!! hahahaha<3
- Obsessive:devin
- Angry: dkfj
- Sad: ...you
- Happy: tommy hes never sad
- Hyper: moe
- Talkative: nasondra
- Cute: chris m. i wanna have his babys
- Violent: irma
- Unpredictable: vince
- Repetition: danette omg omg omg omg omg
- Drama: the j.v volley ball team hahaha

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .
- Kill: mr rodgers..ohh wait
- Slap: Jennifer J
- Get really wasted with: krystal
- Get high with: krystal
- Look like: my cat
- Talk face to face: a giraff
- Talk to indirectly (on the phone, online etc.): manaia

R a n d o m . . .
- In the morning: was horrible
- All I need is: to do is get fucked up
- Love is: lovely
- Flowers or candy: ..flowers...

Y o u r | t h o u g h t s . . .
- I know: that im ugly
- I want: mate
- I have: drugs on me
- I wish: did
- I hate: my hair
- I fear: chollas
- I hear: popping noises
- I just: want to get fucked up
- I search: cocaine
- I wonder: what im doing tommarow
- I regret: waking up this morning
- I'm hurt by: my mom
- I like: the thought of growing old living in a big house with 7 cats
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