1sentence: Scar/Mei: Set Alpha

Feb 05, 2006 23:43

Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist
Pairing: Scar/Mei
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: G - R

Thanks to my betas, rukusho and umi_mikazuki! They are wonderful.


#01 - Comfort
Mei was the only person whom Scar truly attempted to comfort when she had lost her little panda.

#02 - Kiss
Their first kiss was completely innocent, as Mei quickly pecked him on the cheek for helping her find Xiao Mei; when she was older, it was not the same story.

#03 - Soft
Despite what he led her to believe, Mei could see that even Scar’s heart was soft, even if it was just a little.

#04 - Pain
Mei knew she could never understand the pain he had suffered throughout his life, but she could do her best to help him move on.

#05 - Potatoes
She thought it was completely hilarious that a man like Scar had such a hard time peeling potatoes.

#06 - Rain
When it began raining, Scar did his best to protect her from it.

#07 - Chocolate
To keep her happy, Scar would sometimes have Yoki buy chocolate for her; he was utterly amazed by how much she could consume.

#08 - Happiness
Mei was saddened by the fact that Scar only found happiness in the memories of Ishval before the war and vowed that one day, she would help him find something else to be happy about.

#09 - Telephone
He’d always blow her off when she’d be talking with him late at nights, rambling about how she’d call him all the time when she was home in Xing.

#10 - Ears
Scar learned over the years that girls like playing with boys’ ears; however, while little girls liked tugging, older girls enjoyed nibbling.

#11 - Name
He had long abandoned the name that his God had given him; he then decided that someday, he might tell Mei it.

#12 - Sensual
Scar initially hated thinking about Mei sensually; little did he know…

#13 - Death
Scar had no preconception of how devastated Mei would be if his death ever came.

#14 - Sex
Sex was not something Scar ever planned to do; that was, until little Mei grew up and thus, wanted to do ‘grown up things’.

#15 - Touch
When she was older, Mei found that his touch always stole her breath, and that she couldn’t function without it.

#16 - Weakness
Mei’s weakness was her tiny little panda, while Scar’s was seeing her cry.

#17 - Tears
Scar had seen a number of tears in his lifetime, but her tears always managed to break his heart.

#18 - Speed
He was awed by the speed of her fighting style, and was left speechless that her small panda was able to imitate that, too.

#19 - Wind
Years later, there was wind the day that they met again; however, Scar would not look at Mei the same way he had before.

#20 - Freedom
Mei knew she could never marry him under the rules of her country, but that wouldn’t stop her for trying it in another one.

#21 - Life
Scar’s life had begun in light then eclipsed in shadow, but when she came in, it was like a flood light; he wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or bad.

#22 - Jealousy
When he walked with the fully bloomed Mei through the streets, he couldn’t help but hate how she’d smile at the young boys eyeing her.

#23 - Hands
He found her hands tougher that he originally thought as he caressed them, years of rentanjustu had not kind on the skin; he really didn’t care, though.

#24 - Taste
The second time she kissed him was on the day they reunited; although it was another peck on the cheek, Mei could taste him and found herself drawn.

#25 - Devotion
Both of them had a devotion to their people; that devotion led them to one another and things forever changed.

#26 - Forever
Scar always believed he would die young; when he neared thirty, after making love with a sixteen year old Mei, he decided that living forever wouldn’t be so bad.

#27 - Blood
Every time he looked at his hands, he saw blood; he never wanted her to see that as she kissed his palms.

#28 - Sickness
Scar could only remember getting physically ill once; he secretly laughs to himself when he thinks of her pretending to be a doctor, making him soups so he would feel better.

#29 - Melody
He refuses to sing Ishvalan songs to her, so instead she hums Xingese melodies; what she doesn’t know is that he rather likes them.

#30 - Star
When she couldn’t sleep, Mei would always point to the stars, talking about their components and how far away they are-he listens to everything, despite his hate for science.

#31 - Home
Mei had a home back in Xing, where she was one of the emperor’s children; however, she found more of a home with Scar, the man who hadn’t one to return to.

#32 - Confusion
Scar was confused when the not-so-young Mei insisted on being alone with him, even more confused when she practically sat on top of him, and was beyond clarity when she began sucking at his neck, nibbling at his skin.

#33 - Fear
He always possessed a fear of Ishvala’s wrath when he died; that was nothing compared to the day he took her virginity, for there was a greater woman to fear- Mei’s mother.

#34 - Lightning
Mei’s eyes would grow wide in fascination as she’d watch the lightning crash to the ground; Scar hated it, thinking of nothing but his damned arm and its abilities the entire time.

#35 - Bonds
She knew every chemical bond that his arm could produce off the top of her head, and frightened Scar just a little bit.

#36 - Market
They found each other years later at a market in Xing, where Mei had practically lunged at him for a hug and nearly took him down in the process.

#37 - Technology
Mei found life was better with rentanjutsu, while Scar preferred life as simple as possible; both of them, however, hated how technology kept getting stranger and stranger.

#38 - Gift
The first gift she ever gave him was repairing his wound with rentanjustu, showing the good of alchemy while he helped her find Xiao Mei; these are their favorite gifts.

#39 - Smile
Barely a day goes by when she doesn’t smile while she has never witnessed him not frowning; it was years later, after she became pregnant with his child that she actual witness this phenomenon.

#40 - Innocence
Scar tried his best to console himself after that day, that he was not a rapist and that Mei had willingly given up her innocence for him.

#41 - Completion
Mei never had any strong male figures in her life, excluding her absentee biological father; Scar’s presence only completed something that was missing.

#42 - Clouds
In their early days, Mei would lay out on the green pastures and just stare at the clouds, insisting that several clouds looked like animals; Scar never saw these creatures, but agreed with her to appease her.

#43 - Sky
Scar used to hate the red skies that accompanied the summer sunsets, until Mei told him that they were the same color as his eyes and insisted on calling them ‘Ishvalan sunsets’.

#44 - Heaven
Since he began using his arm, he no longer believed he would reach heaven; however, when he met her, he desperately wanted back in, just to be with her.

#45 - Hell
He had seen hell, his people’s corpses scattered on city streets while their blood soaked the sand; he never wanted her to see that.

#46 - Sun
When he had become a fugitive, he avoided daytime constantly, often forgetting what the sun looked like; when he met her, she refused to let him hide from it any longer.

#47 - Moon
The way the moon would light up her pale Xingese skin always left Scar speechless.

#48 - Waves
Being a man of the desert, Scar had never seen the ocean; so when she found this out, it was inevitable that she would not rest until he saw the waves of the ocean crashing onto the beach.

#49 - Hair
After their first time, Scar couldn’t help but play with her soft, jet black hair that rested on him as she cuddled with him.

#50 - Supernova
Scar was completely lost as Mei explained what a supernova was, but he pretended to listen so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

fma, set alpha, scar, 1 sentence, scar/mei, mei

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