"With Love"

Dec 19, 2005 23:45

Title: "With Love:
Author: hola_meg_a_cola
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: RoyAi
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Notes: FOR THE WINTER CHALLENGE. A bit sappy.
Feedback: It pleases me.


“Roy, quite playing with your food and eat it!”

Roy Mustang removed his attention from his place where he was swirling his spoon in his soup. He looked at his mother, Ming Li, and gave a small smile. “Sorry, mama,” He apologized quickly. It was December 21st, the Yuletide, the largest holiday of the year, and Roy spent it every year with his family: his father, Frederick, his mother, Ming Li, and his sisters Sofie, Georgiana, and Paula.

Sofie Mustang Taylor, the oldest of the Mustang children, stared at her younger brother deep in thought. “Something bothering you, little brother?” He glanced at her and shook his head. “Nothing much,” he stated, consuming a mouth full of his soup, “Just work.”

It wasn’t really a lie; he was thinking of something work related- more correctly, his First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye. Calm and decisive, she was the epitome of a soldier. Roy, however, was quite the opposite; he was a lazy, womanizing paranoid maniac who would leave subtle hints to his female lieutenant that he was fond of her much more than he should have been.

Two days ago, while working overtime, Roy had finally made his move; not his move to the top, mind you, but personally, with Riza. She was placing a stack of papers on his desk when he had grabbed her and laid a kiss on her lips. He was surprised when she pulled away, and was even more shocked when she slapped him across the face. Her words were painful as she scolded him, calling immature and incapable of having a serious relationship.

Roy had tried his best to convince himself over the past few days that he was capable of a serious relationship, but came up empty when he searched for examples to support the theory. He liked charming women and found that a serious relationship was far too demanding for his hectic lifestyle. However, when he looked at his sisters, two of them married with children while one was engaged, he felt a flicker of envy- that he should be at dinner with his own spouse, glowing with blossoming-

“Little brother’s in love!” Georgiana shouted gleefully, the second oldest of the children who was currently engaged. Roy shook out of his trance, growling under breath, “Quit making up things, you bitch.”

Georgiana wagged her finger, muttering a series of ‘tisk’s. “Don’t be rude, little brother, especially to your darling sister. I can tell when someone’s in love and you reek of it!” She paused, studying Roy’s face closely. Her face brightened as she smiled slyly. “I see; she broke up with you! Oh, little brother, I’m sorry!”

Roy clenched his fists, trying his best not to set his sister on fire. “Quit it, Georgiana,” He mumbled, playing with his food again. Paula giggled, swallowing her food. “Little brother’s girlfriend probably broke up with him because he has commitment issues!” She theorized.

“I do not have commitment issues, damnit! What the hell is wrong with you women?” She shouted, dropping his spoon completely into the bowl. Frederick Mustang cleared his throat, stating, “Roy, please refrain yourself from using the ‘H’ word; it’s impolite.”

He stood up abruptly, rattling the table. Roy threw the white napkin on his seat and he walked to the coat hanger, grabbing his black trench coat and putting it on. Ming Li raised her eye brows. “Roy, where are you going? Your dinner will get cold!”

Roy sighed, fixing the lapels of his coat. “Out. I’ll be back later.”


It took him about an hour to find it, but after driving around the Eastern countryside, Roy finally found the Grumman Estate. He knew Riza always spent the Yuletide with her grandfather, so he spent ten minutes driving around before he decided to confront her.

He rode his black automobile to the gates, screeching to a halt. In the front yard stood his first lieutenant, her dog trotting around in the thick white snow. “Good evening, Colonel,” Riza said politely, a distinct chill in her voice.

Roy ran from his car, clashing against the gate. “Riza, we need to talk.” She was silent for a moment before she walked to the gate door, stepping outside. “All right, sir,” She said, “what is it?”

Without giving her a moment to think, Roy grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him, crushing her lips with her own. He felt her squirm, and he allowed her to pull away. She didn’t even try to hide her confusion. “What the hell is with you?” Riza asked, blinking.

“I want to try that commitment thing… with you. No one else.” He mouth professed before his mind had time to think. Roy felt the color drain from his checks. She was right; what the hell was he thinking?

To his surprise, she smiled and laughed softly. “You’ve lost your mind…” Riza muttered under her breath, shaking her head. Roy’s expression dropped, hurt. “It’s about time.” She added, and kissed him back.




roy, fma, riza, winter challenge, royai

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