May 21, 2010 13:44
Ok, so today I opened my inbox and was shocked at the overflow of comments and most especially, Friends Requests. O.o I expected comments because of my Sakuraga Mei and Nakamura Asumiko posts but friends requests?. Dear Lordy. lol. There were like, ten or eleven people! And because I am nice like that I had to accept everyone but I think I should lay day a few bits of info first.
Now I am sure the majority of you friended me because you want to be kept in the loop of more BL manga. And that's totally fine, I friend people for that reason too. However, a lot of you asked if I could friend you back. Now here's were it gets kinda detailed.
The majority of my yaoi dump posts will be made public. So if that is all you are interested then you don't need to be friended back.
I have two friends filters: Default and Close-friends.
Default people are friended just because we both need or want access to each other's ljs. I don't read those entries and I do not receive comments from those people. I talk about daily nonsense, post art, pictures, manga, etc. But I do not read anyone's posts in this category.
Close-friends are the people I like, regardless of whether we frequently comment to each other, I get comments from them or if they even care about me. lol. This just means that I get updated on their posts. But more importantly, if these people so choose, they will be reading my personal posts. Now let me warn you: I post every thing. Personal issues, manga, art, random facts, babbling, anything.
I'm kinda a messed up individual too and I may mention things you do not like.
My main point is this: after reading this entry, please tell me which category you would like to be in. I looked at everyone's journals who friended me and some people I am really excited about - they post, have info, etc. Other people's journals are just for yaoi, some don't even post. So I don't particularly want everyone on my Close Friends list.
If you don't reply to this post and tell me where you would like to be, I'm gonna put you on Default. That means you'll see the manga, regular daily entries and misc, but I won't be commenting on your journals.
No hard feelings to anyone! You're all welcome. I just want to give you guys the option of how involved you'll be in my life. :) Whatever choice you want, I'll be fine with it. Even if you just want to see my Public posts and nothing else.
This post doesn't go for people who are already my steady friends. :) But if after reading this you would like to be modified into a certain group, you can always tell me too. No hurt feelings here!
friends cut