May 24, 2009 18:36
Ok, so question:
If I created a Sailor Moon manga image gallery website, would anyone host it? Or know of anyone else that could host it? Cause I am NOT going to go to a freaking geocities or anything like that and deal with BANNERS. That's an insult. lol.
But I seriously want to make this site. I have a bunch of SM manga that I want to scan and make HQ images from. I'd probably only do Usagi, Mamoru and Usagi/Mamoru. There are a lot of manga galleries out there but most of the images are small and not very good for making graphics.
What do you all think? Lately my flist has been pretty quiet and I think I'm starting to push everyone away with my nonsensical manga babble. lol. Sorry, peeps.
sailor moon,