Funnest Time Ever!

Dec 05, 2004 23:56

I finally met Khea! Here's how it all went down, yo:

First time traveling by myself, by plane, and to another country. It felt so surreal that I would actually meet my best friend in person. When I got off the plane, I expected Khea to be waiting for me at the gate (like they do here), but I had to follow a million signs that said "Welcome to Canada." Then the standard interrogating by security and customs was had and after I talked to Immigration, I went to look for my bag but couldn't find it, so after about 20 minutes of searching, I asked a staff member and they gave it to me. When I went back to Immigration, they asked me all these odd questions, like what I did for a living, how much I earn, how long I've been working, that my friend did for a living, who was to pick me up, friend's address/phone #, and I didn't know, so they didn't believe me and made me wait for a long time. It didn't help that I told them we met on the internet and we've never met in person before. =P The first time I saw Khea, I was like "OMG! it's real! and she's SO tiny!!!" There were no cheek-pinching or pen-clicking races like I had imagined, instead we walked to the van without saying much to each other, I only talked to her dad, who seemed like a really cool fun guy right from the start and made me feel at ease. ^^

That day we (or Kisu) babysat and we got a chance to get accustomed to each other. She showed me her magazines, CDs, clothes, and like... everything in her whole room. At night I met Hang (who I saw when I came home, but thought it was Azon XD), and we ate her Halloween candy and talked and made fun of her because of her bad English (it was cute, though!). Later we went downstairs and I played with the guitar, it was fun, but I was shy cause Khea and Hang were watching ><;; When everybody went to bed, we listened to some of the CDs that I brought and I had my nails done. First time! I couldn't stop looking at them. ><

Die-san woke up, wondering why he wasn't in his room. o_O While having some of Hang's good coffee, Tai showed up, and I was surprised at how short and skinny he was (I thought he'd be bigger). We shook hands, and he said "Hi, my name is Tai." like if he was programmed to do that everytime he met someone; he was so cute! We then went to Khea's school and watched her performance; she didn't do much, just kinda stood there and moved every once in a while. And EVERYBODY was staring at Tai and me when we were walking around, I felt so shy. >< Then we went to Wendy's on our way downtown cause I was starving, got full, then continued our way to downtown on the cool electric bus. It was so cold and rainy! (well, not very rainy, but cold indeed) and it was my first time at Starbucks! The coffee there is SOO good!!! And they literally had a Starbucks in every corner!(note: everytime someone there found out that it was my first time, they almost had heart attacks, maybe Americans are viewed as coffee drinking freaks?) After getting all warm and good, we walked around and went to Konbiniya, this really cool Japanese candy store, I didn't care how much it was, we were all throwing candy in the basket and I got my mom this cute Hello Kitty in a bunny suit and Khea got Hang a little Hello Kitty snowman. I didn't know I had spent almost $60 on candy, we were laughing cause it was a lot. =P We then went upstairs where they had all these cool videos for rent, and concerts of all my favorite artists. We didn't get any, but we will next time, ne? More shops were visited [I think]. And we took the Skytrain to Crystal Mall (Asian mall) where we looked at little anime shops and where I got my hair dyed. I thought it was neat, cause I've never been in a train before. We were eating candy and Khea said that all Americans have guns and they take them to school and I probably had one hidden in my hair and this guy sitting next to me started laughing. =) In the mall we took purikura (sticker pictures). It was my first time and I was nervous and I don't like to take pictures of myself so I was nervous, especially with pros like Khea and Tai, so they didn't come out very good. =( When we got home, I met Shohei, the Japanese student, and all four of us hung out on the kitchen floor eating candy and taking pictures and we made Shohei and Tai talk in Japanese. Then I blew them away with my Spanish (which was actually pretty bad, but they didn't know that =P) After a while still on the floor, I got my first glimpse of Khea's clumsiness when she spilled my noodles and got my pants dirty; the only pants I took on the trip cause they rest were dirty. >< then when Tai and Shohei left, we just hung out and ripped some CDs to my computer and went to bed.

First thing we did was put on makeup, then Khea's mom came with her hair straightner and did her stuff. She's really nice and pretty, I thought was fat and mean, I dunno why. (sorry!) And she kept reffering to Tai as Kai as we talked. XD That's when I got my birthday present! A really cool spike bracelet and a hide pick with holes in it and a little picture of Kisu. (hint hint: that bracelet would go great with a skull n' bones belt buckle *cough*nudges LJ*cough*) When we got all pretty and cool we took some pictures, which I think turned out awesome, and we all went as a family for Yamcha (sp?). I had to take the chocolate gummys so I could continually feed Khea's dad cause he kept threatning to throw me off the van if I didn't give him any. >< Man, I've never tried so much new food before, I didn't know what half of the stuff was, but I really liked it all. =) We all talked and joked around while we ate, it was so fun and nice. I really enjoyed it.
Khea and I were dropped off in Richmond (where all the Asian people/malls are) and went to the first mall, where I had Taiyaki for the fist time; so yummy. ^^ We walked around and bought some posters and fashion/jrock magazines and some cute Sanrio fork/spoon/hashi. And there were these two Chinese ladies that stopped us and asked if they could take a picture with us, and so we did. I hugged one of them, and she was like "oh my!" (she didn't say that, but you could just tell). It was so funny!! I think we made their day. ^^ Then we sat down to look at the magazines and left for the other malls, I forgot which were which, but we had Bubble Tea in one and went to the CD shop where most of my money went. I spent almost CAD$400 worth of CDs!! I almost died at all the Jpop goodness I was holding. We went to take more purikura, this time, minus Tai and plus makeup. I still need lots of practice posing for the camera, but this time it was more fun cause of the makeup, and I had a 30 second crash course on posing. =P We then went to the Jrock stuff store but having little money left, I could only afford a hide keychain and a huge hide poster (yay!). Realizing we didn't have enough pictures on my camera, we set off to take lots and lots of picures wherever the opportunity arose. None of Kisu and Diesan together though, cause were were too shy to ask people take them. ><'' We went back to the other mall and took more pictures, and bought yummy Onigiri for dinner and sat down and discussed plans for next year's trip. More Taiyaki was bought (for picture-taking purposes), and we left for home, having little or no money each whatsoever. The rest of the night we listened to the new CDs, took more pictures, and hung out in the basement listening to GuitarPro guitar tabs. o_O We doodled for a while, making fun of each other's lame skills. XD very hilarious. oh! sometime that night, were in Khea's room looking at the magazines we bought, and spilled chocobabies (candy) on the sheets, and Khea suggested that they looked like [crap] pallettes, I agreed, thinking she meant food palletes [like for hamsters]. Then she put her beanie camel Humphrey on them as if he had crapped them out, and when I understood what she was talking about, I bursted out laughing for like 10 minutes straight, I couldn't breathe, so I collaped on the sheets. I don't know why I laughed so hard, I felt so stupid afterwards. ><

I packed my stuff in Khea's room (that's where it was) and this really sad ELT music was being played, it was so sad. I couldn't say anything. u_u We took a final look at the fashion magazines, and to the airport they took me. Goodbyes were said, and they left.

When I came back to PHX, I couldn't find my family, and I waited for an hour and I searched for them for another hour. I coudln't call, I had no American change (I came to find out they weren't even carrying my phone anyway). So I took a taxi home, and since I couldn't get in, I walked to Sergio's house and stayed there for a while til my mom found me. She was pissed, but oh well, at least I was home safely, ne? I showed them the pics and when I popped out with makeup, my brother was like "DUDE, YOU LOOK AWESOME, YOU SHOULD DO THAT EVERYDAY!", all at the same time, my mom screamed, "FLACO, YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL! EwW!" so funny. Anyway, that was the end of that.

I had so much fun, thanks, Khea. ^^

Next stop, Singapore!! =D

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