Vote No on Amendment 1

May 01, 2012 18:28

I usually keep my political views to myself since Daddy always told me the two things you never talk about in polite company are politics and religion. Well this is going to touch on both.

This week NC is going to the polls for early voting the main contention on the ballot is Amendment 1 for those that live on the bible belt such as me you know how the churches can be. They are trying to make it seems as if Amendment 1 is about Gay Rights in NC however it is only a real small part of the law.

First I dont think the government has any right what so ever to tell me or anybody I know who I can or can not marry and they need to keep their noses out of that decision and leave it to the two people that love and care about each other to make that decision for themselves.

But here are things people are not seeing about Amendment 1 -

- This amendment bars the state from recognizing any legal domestic union other than marriage, including partnerships between unmarried men and women.

-This amendment would take away legal protections for the children of unmarried people, including healthcare and prescription drug coverage provided though an unmarried parent and child custody, child support and visitation rights.

- A child could even be taken away from a parent who has taken care of them their entire life if something happens to the other parent

- This amendment would take away domestic violence protections for all unmarried people and could lead to the convictions of their abusers being overturned. This has already happened in another state.

-The amendment would automatically strip health benefits from unmarried people who receive coverage through their partners, including people with severe pre-existing conditions.

- The amendment would interfere with the right of unmarried couples to visit one another in the hospital and to make emergency medical and financial decisions if one partner is incapacitated. It would also invalidate certain trusts, wills and end-of-life directives.

- Seniors wanting to keep these legal protections would be forced to marry, which could cause them to lose their pension, health care and Social Security benefits.

So where in there does this law even possibly look like a good thing as a domestic violence survivor I dont like the sound of this at all.
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