from, everyone, i guess.

May 31, 2006 18:59

dear Meyer:
sometimes you get in a really bad mood and start using poor grammar and its really scary. but uk what, you are a wonderful person. you love helping people, and you seem to only get angry when the people you're trying to help aren't understanding.
happy retirement.

Mr. W. (student teacher)
best of luck. have a happy marriage and a happy teaching career.
you're a cool guy. and carly thinks you're hot.

yeah, you do play favorites, but im ok with that, probably because im one of them. it tends to happen with me and english teachers. ok that sounded bad. but you have to admit it, i have gotten the death stare on numerous occasions. cool class. i love deep conversations.

You are easily the wisest and most entertaining teacher i've ever had in my life. I can't thank you enough for the weeks of extensions that you gave me to encourage my creative writing, instead of forcing me to write like a machine. I'm definitely asking you for college recommendation letters. ill put together a portfolio right away.
my epitaph: "I should have done this earlier."

Im so sorry that you had to put up with pan this year. so sorry.
(that was one EaSy AP exam.)

Ms. P:
You have much more eastern wisdom than the average high school music teacher.
sometimes i dont understand it. that's ok. i ended up (dare i say: liking?) the copland. its kinda like shostakovich. only major, and american, and less depressed. but that's my thing. thanks for getting me out of class all the time

Ms. Kos:
i have given you a lot of shit to put up with. je suis desole. especialment avec la blage aujourd'hui, quand je me moque de colette, appelant-elle une parce qu'elle leve le main toujours. je suis desolee pour colette aussi. je pense que la classe vaut mieux s'il y a un air plus decontracte. ben, il est vrai qu'il y a 8 personnes dans la classe.
j'ai fini.

i dont particularly want to hold a grudge, so i will not list the endless details.
dont torment any more kids.
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