Good bye 2008, welcome 2009

Jan 02, 2009 10:50

So, time to gather up the pieces of last year and reminisce.

What did I really do last year? Can't really remember the beginning of the year. Only that I was in practical training in a place I'd never want to work in... So blocked memories there.
In spring I hurt my ankle and went to hospital, got told that I needed and operation, so that shadowed the rest of the year.
But anyway I had a good summer: I went to my first Gay Pride Parade in Helsinki, got drunk for the first time. Spent a lot of time with friends. Went to Animecon (and even got a tan there O.O). Worked in a small library, I still love those the best, one really gets to do everything there.
And in August, a week and a half after school had started, I had my operation. After that the year has been a constant fight against stress and panic attacks. The ankle has just now began to heal properly, so I'm still fighting it. The stress has lessened somewhat and I'm actually feeling positve about it; maybe in a few months I'll be able to walk normally, too. *crosses fingers*

That much about 2008.

This year I made two promises;
1. I'll finally watch Kaikan Phrase, plan to finish it before the end of the month.
2. Loose more weight.
I think those are as much as I can accomplish.

Also, I need to be starting making my cosplays for the cons, this year. At least one is confirmed, but I'm also planning another; Korea from Hetalia (manga) is confirmed, but I'm hoping I get the energy/funds to make Ukraine, too.
This year's main stress-giver is that, as I'm graduating in the spring, what will I do after that? I hope I can get a place in an university to study english or history or anything, really.

So, to everyone a happy new year and may it give to you what you wish. And remember, "life is what you make if it."

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